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Institute and Intern Program;
The Member Outreach and Diversity Department currently promotes
the program on a designated LSBA webpage, in LSBA publications,
and advertisement to high school principals/counselors statewide.
Additional promotion of the program includes television and
newspaper articles. The LSBA president and the Just the Beginning
program coordinator have been featured on WDSU.
▪ Continue to support and partner with the Louisiana Center for Law and
Civic Education and its initiatives;
o Develop a “Speaker’s Bureau” for LCLCE programs that could
speak on the rule of law but also other important relevant topics.
▪ Develop a “Speaker’s Bureau” to speak at local Rotary Clubs, Lions
Clubs, etc. to emphasize the Rule of Law and the role of lawyers and
judges in maintaining the rule of law. Speakers would use the
approved PowerPoint presentation that was created by Bar leaders
and staff;
▪ Facilitate attendance of Board of Governors and Young Lawyers
Division District Representatives at local Board meetings and social
YLD district reps will continue to be involved in their local bars and
attend local bar association meetings throughout 2020-2021, 2021-
2022 and 2022-2023.
▪ Create a list of bullet points of what services lawyers offer and what they
do for the public that they can reference when being criticized by the
▪ Solicit articles for the Louisiana Bar Journal once or twice a year about
the Rule of Law; and
October-November 2019 Journal, ABA President Judy Perry
Martinez’s article and her the installation speech focused on the Rule
of Law.
LASC Chief Justice Bernette Joshua Johnson discussed aspects of
the Rule of Law in her farewell interview published in the December
2020-January 2021 Journal.
LASC Chief Justice John L. Weimer discussed rule of law in his
Journal interview in February-March 2021.
LSBA President Alainna R. Mire discussed rule of law as part of her
speech given at the investiture of Chief Justice Weimer, published in
the February-March 2021 Journal.
Solicitation of Rule of Law topics/articles is placed on every Journal
Editorial Board meeting agenda. At the 8-27-21 Editorial Board
meeting, a specific request was made for Rule of Law-related articles
and one Board member is working with SULC professors to produce
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