Page 81 - BOGManual_2023January
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o In 2020, trainings planned in St. Tammany, Orleans, Lake
Charles, and Houma were cancelled due to the pandemic.
o Worked with partners to update legal guides for librarians to
provide information in Spanish.
o Developed a Facebook page for Lawyers in Libraries virtual
events and continue to use it to distribute trainings and
materials for librarians to assist the public.
o SRL Committee working with the Law Library of Louisiana to
conduct a summer or fall training in Orleans Parish libraries.
o Working with libraries in two identified civil legal resource
deserts under the Justice for All project to expand access to
civil legal resources.
o Virtual LEAP trainings planned with Terrebonne and Calcasieu
Parishes in March and May. Invited representatives from
different domestic violence programs to participate in hopes of
developing similar trainings for DV organizations in the future.
o Presented with LEAP Partners at the annual Louisiana Library
Association Conference in Alexandria in July.
o Continue circulating the Civil Legal Resource Reference Guide
on how to use the Find Legal Help Portal to libraries throughout
the state.
o Working with the Law Library to update the virtual LEAP
▪ Create and support legal resources for the public;
Educated LSBA receptionist and recorded message to which public
can be directed to “Find Legal Help” site
Created a Brochure for requesting an interpreter which the Supreme
Court’s Office of Language Access is distributing to Clerks of Court.
o Develop and expand use of “Find Legal Help” site
▪ Requested website analytics for Find Legal Help and
related pages in order to understand and increase user
▪ Updated FLH to include local domestic violence shelters
and hotlines and COVID-related resources and guides.
▪ Added Civil Legal Navigator button on FLH
▪ Educating community leaders, community organizations
and library staff in civil legal resource desert areas on
Find Legal Help and other ways to connect people with
civil legal services through Train-the-Trainer events.
Held the following training events: with library staff in
Ferriday, with library staff in Vidalia, with Community
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