Page 79 - BOGManual_2023January
P. 79

                                                   ▪  The Legal Services for Persons with Disabilities
                                                       Committee created a workgroup to provide resources
                                                       and training materials regarding disability rights and
                                                       issues that affect persons with disabilities across the
                                                       state. The workgroup will be working on sponsoring a
                                                       new ethics training with Louisiana Law Library.
                                     ▪  Share ATJ components of strategic plan with the Supreme Court of
                                         Louisiana and the Louisiana Bar Foundation to garner support; and
                                         The ATJ Commission adopted the strategic plan developed in
                                         February 2019, same presented to LBF.
                                     ▪  Continue to coordinate annual LSBA Pro Bono Awards recognition.
                                         Updated online nomination system and opened nominations for 2020
                                         Awards on December 2, 2019.
                                         Planning 2022 ceremony and reception to be held in person at the
                                         Supreme Court.
                                         Hosted 2022 ceremony and reception at the Supreme Court with
                                         robust support from the Justices.
                          ■      The State Bar develops alternative or additional legal resources to support
                                 unaddressed issues or provide extra-judicial services.
                                     ▪  Continue to facilitate the work of the Building Bridges, Modest Means
                                         and SRL Committees, as well as the Gap Assessment Subcommittee;
                                            o  The Building Bridges Committee continues to host CLEs and
                                                cross-trainings designed to educate attorneys on collateral
                                                consequences of incarceration and increase access to free and
                                                affordable legal representation for people returning home after
                                            o  Committee completed brochure on new child support law
                                                affecting noncustodial incarcerated parents approved by DCFS
                                                and DOC.
                                            o  Building Bridges coordinated with OMV and DOC to release a
                                                provisional driver’s license pamphlet, to be distributed to people
                                                returning from prison statewide.
                                            o  Working with DOC to facilitate work of Louisiana Prisoner Re-
                                                Entry Initiatives Implementation Steering Team for Legal Needs
                                                to address various civil legal needs of reentry population.
                                            o  Modest Means Committee finalized and published Limited
                                                Scope Representation Toolkit with new on-demand CLE for
                                                attorneys. Working to address attorney concerns drafting
                                                pleading for self-represented litigants.
                                            o  Met with Clerks of Court in Rapides and Caddo Parishes to
                                                discuss opportunities for assistance from the SRL Committee.
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