Page 80 - BOGManual_2023January
P. 80

o  SRL Committee continues to coordinate and distribute COVID-
                                                and disaster-related resources.
                                            o  Worked closely with Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic
                                                Violence to identify Clerks of Court providing notarial services
                                                for self-represented litigants filing protective orders and
                                                restraining orders. A bill was passed during the 2021
                                                Legislative Session allowing for a written affirmation, rather
                                                than an affidavit, in a petition for protective order, explicitly in
                                                cases involving domestic violence.
                                            o  Continue development of ADR program modeled after ABA
                                                manual for legal service organizations and in partnership with
                                                the ADR section
                                            o  SRL Committee continues to coordinate and distribute COVID-
                                                and disaster-related resources. Committee is working with the
                                                LDJA to create training videos to address best practices for
                                                remote access to courts and with the Technology Committee to
                                                automate forms.
                                            o  SRL and Technology Committees hosted strategic planning
                                                meetings and developed lists of priority goals.
                                            o  SRL and Technology Committees prioritized forms most used
                                                by SRLs and is working with the Supreme Court’s Technology
                                                Commission on developing and automating. The Committees
                                                finalized the automation of the Name Change and 103 Divorce
                                            o  SRL and Technology Committees are updating Petition to
                                                Establish Custody form and creating 102 divorce forms in
                                                preparation for automating. The Committees are also working
                                                on choosing additional forms to draft, update, and automate.
                                            o  Members of the SRL Committee are helping coordinate
                                                meetings with judicial staff and Clerks of Court in Northeast
                                                Louisiana to discuss the JFA and GIS Mapping project and
                                                ways to expand civil legal resources.
                                     ▪  Continue to partner with libraries to support the Legal Education and
                                         Assistance Program (LEAP);
                                            o  Created and updated basic legal guides for librarians to
                                                educate the public, most recently including a COVID-19 guide.
                                            o  Developed live and recorded trainings for librarians to assist the
                                                public with basic legal questions.
                                            o  Held LEAP Library Trainings at the Westside Regional Library
                                                Branch in Alexandria on December 16  and at the Shreve
                                                Memorial Library on December 17  for librarians in Rapides
                                                and Caddo Parishes as well as the surrounding areas.
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