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On January 13, 2023, the SRL Committee of the Louisiana ATJ Commission and Louisiana
                       District  Judges  Association,  hosted  its  fourth  Self-Represented  Litigant  (SRL)  Service
                       Provider Summit at Taylor, Porter in Baton Rouge. Sessions covered topics to assist courts
                       and organizations serving self-represented litigants, including best practices for working
                       with SRLs, training resources, new technologies, court forms, materials to assist SRLs, and
                       much  more.  40  individuals  attended,  with  representation  from  parishes  throughout  the
                       state—Assumption,  East  Baton  Rouge,  Lincoln,  Orleans,  St.  Bernard,  St.  Tammany,
                       Tangipahoa, among others. Attendees included judges and court staff, clerks of court, pro
                       bono and legal aid attorneys, and representatives from domestic violence organizations.

               3.      LSBA Access to Justice Program Participates in Apprenticeship Week at LSU Law
                       Each January for the past several years, the LSBA’s Access to Justice Program hosts a
                       week-long session during LSU Apprenticeship Week on access to justice titled, “Serving
                       the Public and the Profession.” During the week, we explore the organized bar’s efforts to
                       support  access  to  justice,  the  impetus  for  doing  so,  and  how  the  legal  profession  is
                       sustaining and growing these efforts. The focus is on developing practical skills that assist
                       professional  advancement  and  public  service.  A  diverse  group  of  ATJ  leaders  present
                       during the program and topics covered include: Louisiana’s civil legal aid network, the
                       importance of providing pro bono work, the justice gap, unbundled legal services, the rise
                       of  self-represented  litigation,  and  client  communication.  Skills  training  includes  a
               clinic,  preparation  of  court  filings,  and  an  interview  skills
                       training focusing on working with clients with special needs.

                       LSBA Past President Marta-Ann Schnabel served as faculty for the course and presenters
                       included: Sachida Raman, Acadiana Legal Service Corp.; Chris Ralston, Phelps Dunbar;
                       Virginia Listach, Southern University Law Center; Hon. Judy Moore Vendetto; Paul W.
                       Breaux, Louisiana State University Law Center; Hon. Kathleen Richey (ret.); Luz Molina,
                       Loyola College of Law; Kellie Johnson, Mental Health Advocacy Center; Debra Weinberg
                       and Shannon Barnes, Disability Rights Louisiana; and Magaly Hayes, Registered Court

               4.      Louisiana Justice For All Project successfully launches two Legal Help Access Points
               and plans expansion of the project

                       The Louisiana Access to Justice (ATJ) Commission was awarded a second $100,000 grant
                       from the National Center for State Courts’(NCSC) Justice for All (JFA) Project  to increase
                       access to civil legal resources in areas with high poverty rates, limited internet access, and
                       long drive times to the nearest legal aid office or self-help center (commonly referred to as
                       civil legal resource deserts). Most recently, the JFA Steering Committee launched Legal
                       Help Access Points in Concordia and East Carroll Parishes to navigate civil legal help,
                       learn about their legal issues, fill out self-help forms, meet with an attorney, and appear
                       online for a court hearing. The Legal Help Access Points are in enclosed spaces and allow
                       users to gain access to automated self help resources and forms, determine eligibility for
                       civil legal aid, get customized legal help, meet virtually with an attorney, or attend a virtual
                       court hearing.  A third access point will be launched in Harrisonburg in Catahoula Parish
                       at the end of January. Stakeholders are also in discussions about opening an Access Point
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