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               A CLE seminar titled LGBTQ+ Families and Relationships: What Practitioners Need to Know
               was held on September 15, 2023, at the Louisiana Bar Center.

               The seminar featured the following speaker(s):
               Shelly L. Skeen, Lambda Legal, Dallas, TX

               A LGBT law-related issues session was held at the Conclave on Diversity in the Legal Profession
               on August 11, 2023, at the Four Seasons New Orleans Hotel.

               The session featured the following speaker(s):
               Meredith “Taylor” Brown, American Civil Liberties Union, New York, NY

               Pipeline to Diversity and Outreach

               Pipeline to Diversity and Outreach Co-chairs:
               Denia S. Aiyegbusi
               Denice Redd-Robinette

               Outreach to Lawyers and Courts

               Corporate and In-house Counsel
               A session is dedicated to corporate and in-house attorneys at the annual Conclave on Diversity in
               the Legal Profession. The Corporate Breakfast session is titled The Connect.

               Diversity and Inclusion Managers Summit

               The Diversity and Inclusion Manager Summit was held on August 24, 2018, at The Ritz Carlton
               New Orleans.

               The Diversity and Inclusion Managers Summit is an opportunity to discuss how Diversity and
               Inclusion managers  can  cultivate a culture  where all talented contributors—regardless of race,
               gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or natural origin—can have and can see a
               path to long-term success.

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