Page 189 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 189
The use of charter or private planes will be reimbursed at the rate otherwise
allowable for commercial coach airfare or at the IRS rate for personal
automobile travel, should commercial coach services not be available. Under
special circumstances, use of charter or private planes will be reimbursed at the
actual rate with prior approval.
Charges for rental cars may be reimbursed if the total cost of the rental car,
including fuel costs, is less than the cost of taxi transportation or the cost of
mileage reimbursement for personal automobile use.
2. Lodging Expenses. The Bar will reimburse lodging expenses when an overnight
stay is necessary. Lodging costs, including tax, are reimbursable at a maximum of
$175 per day, or the LSBA authorized/negotiated rate for the meeting or event,
whichever is less. Officers and other members authorized to travel on bar business
for which the LSBA has not negotiated a rate are expected to exercise fiduciary
responsibility and choose accommodations and/or negotiate rates as close to the
stated maximum daily rate as practicable. Reimbursement for rates above the
stated maximum must be approved by the Treasurer in consultation with the
Executive Committee.
3. Meal Expenses. The Bar recognizes that members who attend meetings are not
able to eat at home and thus are entitled to reasonable reimbursement for the cost
of their meals. Meals will be reimbursed at a maximum total of $50 per day, with
appropriate receipts/documentation.
4. Per Diem Allowance. For those whose attendance at meetings requires them to
spend the night in the city where the meeting is being held, the LSBA will
reimburse expenses up to a maximum per diem allowance of $175 for meals,
lodging, rental car, cab fare, and "other" expenses (but not including "travel"). For
those whose attendance at meetings does not require them to spend the night in
the city where the meeting is being held, the Bar Association will reimburse
expenses up to a maximum per diem allowance of $75 for meals, rental car, cab
fare, and "other" expenses (but not "travel").
For speakers and committee members for LSBA-sponsored continuing legal
education seminars, reimbursement will be according to these standards, unless
otherwise specified in advance in writing by the Louisiana State Bar Association.
5. Non-Travel Expenses. Miscellaneous expenses shall be reimbursed as indicated
a. Expenses such as parking, tolls, etc. will be reimbursed within the
aforementioned per diem allowance, provided appropriate
documentation is submitted.
b. It is anticipated that officers, members of the Board of Governors
and committee chairs may entertain others on LSBA-related
business. Such expenditures will be considered for reimbursement