Page 190 - 2024 Orientation Manual
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outside of the per diem allowance, subject to an explanation of the
                                                nature of the expenditure, names of persons present and the reason
                                                why the LSBA should be responsible for the expense.
                                         c.     Alcoholic  beverages  purchased  for  social  events  in  connection
                                                with Board or other official meetings may be reimbursed.
                                         d.     As per Article XIII, Section 5 of the Articles of Incorporation, no
                                                expenses will be reimbursed for attendance at any meeting held in
                                                conjunction  with  the  Annual  Meeting,  including  committee
                                                meetings,  Board  of  Governors  meetings,  House  of  Delegates
                                                meetings, or other meetings or functions.

                          6.     Officers.  The President, President-Elect, President-Elect  Designee,  Immediate
                                 Past President, Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Director (hereinafter referred
                                 to as officers) will be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in connection with
                                 the performance of their official duties as representatives of the Louisiana State
                                 Bar Association, subject to the policies established herein unless otherwise noted

                                         a.     Travel Responsibilities. Officers will be reimbursed for expenses
                                                incurred in connection with attendance at national, regional and
                                                state meetings where the officers are representing the Louisiana
                                                State Bar Association. In addition, reimbursement will be made
                                                for travel required for section and committee meetings, official
                                                appearances at local bar association or law school functions, and
                                                other travel as required to fulfill the requirements of the offices.
                                         b.     Special  Circumstances.  Attendance  at  meetings  shall  be
                                                presumptively  approved  provided  there  are  sufficient  funds
                                                available in the officer's budget line item.
                                         c.     Budget Line Item. In addition to the limitations of these policies,
                                                officers are required to limit reimbursement in accordance with the
                                                line items established in the budget. If at any time it appears that
                                                expenses will exceed the line item, the officer will be required to
                                                seek and justify a line item increase from the Board of Governors.
                                         d.     Exceptions  to  General  Policies.  Officers’  meals  will  be
                                                reimbursed up to $60 per person per day, for a maximum of $120
                                                per day. Expenses incurred as part of group meal functions will
                                                not be subject to this limitation.
                                                When the President is representing the LSBA at the Opening of
                                                Court in France, business class airfare may be reimbursed.
                                         e.     Meeting  Registration  Fees.  Meeting  registration  fees  for  the
                                                officers and their spouses/guests will be reimbursed.
                                         f.     Entertainment.  Reasonable  entertainment  charges,  if  directly
                                                related to the meeting, will be reimbursed.
                                         g.     Recreation.  Recreational  activities,  if  scheduled  as  part  of  the
                                                official meeting program, will be reimbursed for the officer and
                                                his/her spouse/guest.

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