Page 204 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 204
reflect: that a disclosure was made; the abstention from voting if applicable; and the
quorum situation.
No Board member shall maintain any business, enterprise or other activity that directly
conflicts with the interests of the Association.
Each Board member shall annually sign a statement of this policy.
Amended November 4, 2005
D. Executive Director Performance Evaluation
1. The Board shall employ the Executive Director of the Association and shall
establish his/her annual compensation.
2. The Board, through its Executive Committee, shall annually conduct an
evaluation of the Executive Director. The evaluation shall be in accordance with
procedures set forth below:
a. Performance Objectives. At the beginning of each fiscal year, but not
later than the August/September Board meeting, the Executive
Committee shall meet with the Executive Director and set performance
objective for that fiscal year. The performance objectives will be
presented to the Board of Governors for review and final approval.
b. Role of Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be
responsible for the actual conduct of the evaluation, including but not
limited to, drafting the appropriate forms, forwarding same to members
of the Board, and the tabulation and reporting of information contained
in the completed forms.
c. Confidentiality. To ensure the privacy of Board members, the
evaluation process shall be conducted in a confidential manner, unless
a Board member gives express written permission to attribute his or her
d. Materials. The Executive Committee shall furnish each Board member
with the final performance objectives for the evaluation year, together
with the Executive Director’s commentary on the outcome of each
e. Performance Areas. The evaluation shall address at least the following
four performance areas:
i. Administrative Functions and Responsibilities
ii. Financial Accountability
iii. Leadership Skills and Activities
iv. External and Internal Communications
f. Presentation to Executive Director. The annual evaluation should be
completed by the Board’s last meeting of the fiscal year for which the
Executive Director is being evaluated. Prior to reporting the results of
the evaluation to the Board, the Executive Committee shall meet with
the Executive Director to review the results of the evaluation and to
provide the Executive Director with the opportunity to furnish input.