Page 199 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 199
Commercial Paper rated A1 or P1 only; and
Certificates of deposit or bankers’ acceptances of U.S. banks, but only in
amounts of $100,000.00 or less insured by FDIC.
The target asset mix should be 40% fixed income, with a maximum fixed
income commitment of 45%, and a minimum commitment of 35%;
The investments with maturities of one-year or greater retained in the
portfolio should be of an original issue size in excess of $25 million;
The volatility (as measured by portfolio beta and standard deviation) of the
fixed income component of the fund cannot exceed the volatility of an index
developed by combining appropriate indices weighted as to the policy
(fixed income) mix;
Cash reserves shall be invested in interest bearing securities (including
money market funds), free of risk of loss and price fluctuation, and shall
have immediate liquidity.
4. Acknowledgment and Tenure
This Investment Policy Statement should be reviewed annually by the
Louisiana State Bar Association Budget Committee, its Investment
Subcommittee and the Board of Governors and revised or confirmed as
appropriate. Manager shall acknowledge in writing the receipt of this
Investment Policy Statement and acceptance of its terms. If the Investment
Manager believes at any time that any changes, additions or deletions to this
Statement are advisable, it will be the responsibility of that Investment Manager
to recommend such changes to the Committee.
This policy does not amend or supersede the investment management
agreement between the Association and the Investment Manager.
Amended August 27, 2005; Amended January 16, 2009
M. Issuance of Checks
As set forth in the Articles of Incorporation, it is the policy of the Louisiana State Bar
Association only to issue checks for expenses in categories or line items authorized in
the annual budget or in an amendment or amendments thereto. No person affiliated
with the Louisiana State Bar association shall knowingly make a request for a check or
a payment if the expenditure will cause the dollar amount specified in the applicable
line item or category of the budget to be exceeded. The accounting department shall
not issue a check nor make or request a payment if the expenditure will cause the dollar
amount specified in the applicable line item or category of the budget to be exceeded.
If a payment which would violate this policy is requested, any party with notice of the
problem shall immediately notify the President and the Treasurer, who shall promptly
bring the matter to the Executive Committee for further action.
Adopted October 28, 2006