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the state funding of $500,000 included in the Governor’s Executive Budget for the Legal
                       Services Programs. However, with changes of administrations and reduced state budgets,
                       the Legal Services Programs had not received any appropriation since FY 2011.

                       After almost a decade of no funding for civil legal aid, with a budget surplus the Louisiana
                       Legal Services programs in July 2020 received $500,000 in supplemental funds for FY
                       2019-20. With increased coordination and engagement of a lobbying firm, the Louisiana
                       Legal Services Programs were able to obtain a $500,000 appropriation for FY 2020-21,
                       and  again  for  FY  2021-2022.  In  FY  2022-2023  the  Committee  achieved  its  goal  of
                       obtaining a $1 million appropriation dedicated to Louisiana Civil Legal Services. This was
                       again received in FY 2023-24 and is currently in the FY2024-25 budget.

                       Louisiana Appleseed has previously contributed to funding efforts by hiring lobbyists to
                       assist the ATJ Commission’s Funding Committee to obtain state funding for civil legal aid.
                       These  efforts  have  been  critical  to  renewed  funding  of  civil  legal  aid  in  Louisiana.
                       Unfortunately, funding for this vital component of the state funding efforts no longer exists.

                       In recent years, Louisiana Appleseed and the Committee hosted an educational event for
                       legislators focused on the importance of civil legal aid to their constituents, the state, and
                       our economy. Additionally, members of the Funding Committee annually travel to Baton
                       Rouge  to  conduct  a  “Civil  Legal  Aid  Day  at  the  Capitol”  where  Funding  Committee
                       members  and  ATJ  supporters  bring  awareness  of  the  issue  to  legislators.  Educational
                       material is distributed to all legislators in advance of this day.

                       In prior years, the ATJ Director also coordinated participation of LSBA leadership in ABA
                       Day in Washington DC, an organized lobbying event at which Bar leaders meet with each
                       member of the Louisiana Congressional Delegation to encourage adequate funding of the
                       Legal Services Corporation, the major funder of Louisiana’s largest legal services entities.
                       For  2020-2022,  Bar  leaders  participated  in  virtual  meetings  in  light  of  the  COVID-19
                       pandemic.  In  2024,  our  colleagues  at  the  LBF  visited  Louisiana’s  Congressional

                       Access to Justice Fund
                       The Access to Justice Fund is an LBF Fund which supports specific access to justice needs
                       related to at least one of the following issues: Statewide Technology, Statewide Intake and
                       Referral,  or  Disaster  Response.  The  ATJ  Committee  identifies  eligible  projects  and
                       recommends allocation of funds to the LBF. The source of funding is an LSBA dues check-
                       off which allows attorneys to make a financial contribution to civil legal aid. This year,
                       grants were made to three organizations for projects that would truly benefit the entire ATJ

                  Accessibility Committee, Chair Professor Luz Molina
               In the last few years, the Language Access Committee, with the help of the Supreme Court’s Office
               of Language Access, has made great strides in identifying and addressing language access issues

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