Page 254 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 254
Pro Bono Subcommittee,
This subcommittee is tasked with developing and supporting local pro bono organizations’ efforts
to engage the private bar and judiciary in pro bono service, as well as recognizing pro bono
volunteers. In the recent past, the subcommittee assisted Lagniappe Law Lab in revising the
statewide pro bono website, One recent example of statewide efforts was the “20
in 2022” pro bono campaign, encouraging all attorneys to provide at least 20 hours of pro bono
service in 2022. The campaign included communications from the Justices of the Supreme Court
to judges and attorneys encouraging them to support and participate in pro bono, as well as
publications in the LSBA’s news and social media.
In Forma Pauperis Subcommittee/ Working Group
The IFP subcommittee was established to investigate and resolve reports of misapplication of the
in forma pauperis (IFP) statutes by judges and clerks of court which prevent litigants, who do not
have the means to pay in advance, from accessing the courts or not complete their matter with
receipt of a copy of their judgement. With the approval of the Board of Governors, the committee
approached the Louisiana State Law Institute (LSLI) to request their review of the law that could
clarify the appropriate application of the statute. The LSLI made several recommendations which
were submitted to the Louisiana Legislature. As HB108 it passed on May 20, 2021 and amends
the Code of Civil Procedure to require that courts receiving an application for IFP must either grant
the application, deny it and provide written reasoning, or set the matter for hearing. Additionally,
the bill stipulates that IFP litigants are entitled to receive a certified copy of the judgment rendered
regardless of whether court costs have been paid. The LSLI will continue to review other statutes
related to IFP to determine whether any additional changes are needed.
This Subcommittee was disbanded, but as legal landscapes have evolved due to legislative
changes, court decisions, and administrative updates the ATJ Committee has recreated a working
group to review and update the legal information pertinent to IFP applications to ensure accurate
guidance and assistance for applicants, courts, Clerks of Court, and attorneys. This group aims to
comprehensively analyze the changes in IFP application procedures, eligibility criteria, and related
legal aspects in Louisiana from 2012 to the present. This will be done by updating a 2012 “white
paper” and revision of educational materials which can be used to educate relevant IFP users.
Access to Justice Commission
The ATJ Commission brings together leadership from the LSBA, judiciary, pro bono
organizations, the LBF, and private bar to address policy-level issues related to the pursuit of
access to justice in Louisiana. Commissioners collaborate and address issues impacting efforts to
provide access to legal services to low-income Louisianans. Detailed below are the group’s
subcommittees and projects, which address specific issue areas: