Page 357 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 357

Access to Justice Department

        Monte T. Mollere                                                 Stephanie Beaugh
        Access to Justice Director                                       Access to Justice Projects Counsel
        Monte  has  been  with  the Access  to  Justice  program         As ATJ Projects Counsel, Stephanie is the liaison to
        since its inception and coordinates the efforts of the           the Children’s Law, Legal Services for Persons with
        LSBA  in  supporting  and  strengthening  Louisiana’s            Disabilities and ATJ Commission’s Self-Represented
        system  of  delivery  of  legal  services  to  the  poor.        Litigation Committees. She works closely with local
        He  serves  as  primary  staff  liaison  to  the  Louisiana      court officials, bar leadership, legal service providers,
        Access  to  Justice  Commission  and  the  Access  to            pro bono organizations, universities and various other
        Justice Committee. He oversees the work of the six-   Monte T. Mollere  partners to assess needs and to help design services
        member department responsible for LSBA committees                that  will  improve  access  to  the  justice  system  for
        which  address  justice  issues,  including  the  Criminal       financially  disadvantaged  and  other  self-represented
        Justice  Committee,  the  Legal  Services  for  Persons          litigants. Stephanie is responsible for working with
        with Disabilities Committee and the Children’s Law               these  partners  to  develop  and  implement  Self-Help
        Committee. Monte joined the staff in 1997.                       Resource  Centers  for  litigants  without  attorneys.
        direct phone: (504)619-0146                                      Additionally,  she  works  with  the  access  to  justice
        toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 146                         director on other projects as necessary. Stephanie
        fax: (504)566-0930                                               joined the staff in 2020.
        e-mail:                                        direct phone: (504)619-0106
                                                       Amy Duncan-Bryant  toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 106
        Amy Duncan-Bryant                                                fax: (504)566-0930
        Access to Justice Training & Projects Counsel                    e-mail:
        Amy serves as the statewide coordinator of legal
        training  and  education  for  Louisiana  legal  services
        providers. She is responsible for planning continuing            Access to Justice Projects Counsel
        legal  education  seminars  on  topics  of  particular           The  Projects  Counsel  will  work  with  the Access  to
        interest to public interest attorneys. She works closely         Justice Department to manage, administer and direct
        with legal services providers, task forces, the Access           various projects of, or facilitated by, the ATJ Program
        to Justice Committee, the Criminal Justice Committee,   Rachael Mills  which strengthen relationships and fosters coordination
        Louisiana’s  pro  bono  organizations  and  the  LSBA’s          among Louisiana’s civil justice community members
        CLE  department.  Additionally,  she  works  with  the           and partners. Typically the Project Counsel will staff
        access to justice director on other projects as necessary.       the LSBA Legal Services for Persons with Disabilities
        Amy joined the staff in June 2015.                               and Children’s Law Committees and coordinate five
        direct phone: (504)619-0148                                      statewide public interest substantive law task forces as
        toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 148                         well as also coordinating the “Justice Fridays” ongoing
        fax: (504)566-0930                                               training program. This position is currently open.
        e-mail:                                      direct phone: (504)619-0123
                                                                         toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 123
        Rachael Mills                                   Stephanie Beaugh  fax: (504)566-0930
        Access to Justice Projects Counsel                               e-mail:
        Rachael works with the Access to Justice Department
        to manage, administer and direct various projects of,            Bridget Berins
        or  facilitated  by,  the ATJ  Program  which  strengthen        ATJ Department Coordinator
        relationships  and  foster  coordination  among                  Bridget  works  closely  with  the  Access  to  Justice
        Louisiana’s  civil  justice  community  members  and             Director in coordinating and facilitating the work
        partners. Rachael’s efforts focus on statewide pro bono          of  the  LSBA’s  Access  to  Justice  Commission  and
        and fundraising initiatives as well as Louisiana Free            Committees.  She  supports  the  work  of  all  staff
        Legal Answers  and  the ATJ  Developing  Leadership   Bridget Berins  attorneys on projects developed to foster a strong
        Intern program. Rachael re-joined the Access to Justice          comprehensive statewide system for the delivery of
        department in October 2015 after a three year hiatus to          legal  services.  Bridget  administers  the  LSBA’s  Pro
        attend law school.                                               Bono  Awards  Program  and  Lawyers  in  Libraries
        direct phone: (504)619-0104                                      Program. Bridget joined the LSBA staff in 2009 and
        toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 104                         was promoted to her current position in 2023.
        fax: (504)566-0930                                               direct phone: (504)619-0145
        e-mail:                                   toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 145
                                                                         fax: (504)566-0930
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