Page 362 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 362

Member Outreach and Diversity Department

        Tricia R. Pierre                                               George Kouniaris
        Member Outreach and Diversity Director                         Executive Administrative Assistant
        Tricia is responsible for outreach efforts, with specific      George assists the Director of Member Outreach and
        emphasis on the following: furthering organizational           Diversity through administrative duties, with various
        diversity goals, objectives and strategies that produce        aspects of the operation of the LSBA in furtherance
        best  practices  and  help  to  promote  inclusiveness;        of  organizational  diversity  goals,  objectives,  and
        strengthening  local  and  specialty  bar  relationships       strategies  that  produce  best  practices  and  help  to
        through supporting bar programming, membership and             promote  inclusiveness.  George  also  provides  staff
        networking efforts; and coordinating the assessment   Tricia R. Pierre  support for outreach programs and initiatives. George
        of  present  and  proposed  member  benefits  to  ensure       joined the staff in September 2022.
        that members have access to benefits that will enhance         direct phone: (504)619-0115
        their practices. She also serves as the staff liaison to       toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 115
        the Committee on Diversity in the Legal Profession,            fax: (504)566-0930
        the  Outreach  Committee  and  the  LSBA  Leadership           e-mail:
        Class. Tricia joined the staff in March 2014.
        phone: (504) 444-7378                                          Mary M. Langley
        direct phone: (504)619-0129                                    Outreach Coordinator
        toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 129                       Mary is primarily responsible for establishing and
        fax: (504)566-0930                              George Kouniaris  maintaining  relationships  with  Louisiana’s  local
        e-mail:                                 and specialty  associations  to enhance  or expand
                                                                       programs and activities that benefit Louisiana lawyers.
                                                                       She  also  researches  proposed  member  benefits  and
                                                                       makes  recommendations  on  their  potential  value  to
                                                                       LSBA  members.  Additionally,  Mary  assists  with  the
                                                                       implementation  of diversity  initiatives.  She joined  the
                                                                       LSBA staff in July 2023.
                                                                       direct phone: (504)619-0151
                                                                       toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 151
                                                        Mary M. Langley  fax: (504)566-0930

                                         Specialization Department

          Mary Ann Wegmann                                             is to regulate and administer all matters pertaining
          Specialization Board Director                                to  specialization  in  the  practice  of  law  and  to
          Working  closely  with  the  Louisiana  Board  of            regulate the certification of lawyers as specialists
          Legal Specialization (“LBLS”), that is appointed             in accordance with LBLS rules and regulations
          by  the  LSBA  Board  of  Governors,  Mary Ann               and  to  regulate  the  certification  of  lawyers  as
          is responsible  for the  overall  administration  of         specialists  by  certifying  agencies.  There    are
          the  legal  specialization  program  and  executing          currently nine specializations:  appellate practice,
          LBLS  administrative  policies  and  directives.   Mary Ann Wegmann business  bankruptcy  law,  consumer  bankruptcy
          LBLS,  a  voluntary  organization,  promotes  the            law,  employment  law,  estate  planning  and
          availability,  accessibility  and  quality  of  the          administration, family law, health law, labor law
          services  of  lawyers  in  particular  fields  of  the       and tax law. Mary Ann joined the staff in 2017.
          law  in  order  to  better  serve  the  public  interest     direct phone: (504)619-0128
          and improve public access to appropriate legal               toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 128
          services and to advance the standards of the legal           fax: (504)598-6753
          profession by encouraging specialized education              e-mail:
          in various fields of practice. The purpose of LBLS
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