Page 364 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 364

Professional Programs Department

        Annette C. Buras                                                 Lucia C. Anderson
        CLE Coordinator                                                  Professional Programs Secretary
        Annette works with the associate executive director for          Lucia  provides  clerical  support  and  works  closely
        professional programs and CLE Program Committee                  with ethics counsel in the administration of the Ethics
        to plan and implement approximately 45-50 seminars               Advisory Service and assists with other professional
        each  year.  She  handles  site  selection,  coordination        programs. Lucia joined the staff in 2009.
        of  promotional  materials  and  communications  with            direct phone: (504)619-0110
        committee members and speakers. She oversees the                 toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 110
        processing  of  registrations  for  Bar-sponsored  CLE   Annette C. Buras  fax: (504)598-6753
        seminars and works on site at Bar-sponsored seminars.            e-mail:
        Annette  also  works  with  the  On-line  CLE  catalog.
        Annette joined the staff as receptionist in 1992 and             Colette Butler
        was promoted to her current position in 2006.                    Ethics Administrative Assistant
        direct phone: (504)619-0102                                      Colette  provides  clerical support  and  works  closely
        toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 102                         with  ethics  counsel  in  the  administration  of  lawyer
        fax: (504)598-6753                                               advertising  duties  Colette  joined  the  staff  in  2022.
        e-mail:                                          direct phone: (504)619-0143
                                                         Connie P. Sabio
                                                                         toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 143
        Connie P. Sabio                                                  fax: (504)598-6753
        Professional Programs                                            e-mail:
        Administrative Assistant
        Connie  provides  clerical  support  and  works  closely         Andrea Amor
        with the associate executive director for professional           CLE Assistant
        programs  in  the  administration  of the  diversionary          Andrea provides support to the CLE Department. She
        programs,  the  lawyer/client  assistance  program  and   Wendy S. Roberts  assists with the CLE registration process for LSBA
        other professional programs. Connie joined the staff             sponsored CLE seminars and works on-site at LSBA
        in  1998  after  working  for  the  Louisiana  Attorney          seminars. Andrea joined the staff in 2024.
        Disciplinary Board for five years.                               direct phone: (504)619-0137
        direct phone: (504)619-0108                                      toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 137
        toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 108                         fax: (504)617-7050
        fax: (504)598-6753                                               e-mail:

        Wendy S. Roberts                                 Brooke Theobold
        Senior Practice Assistance Secretary
        Wendy  provides  clerical  support  and  works  closely
        with  practice  assistance  counsel  in  the  operation  of
        the  Practice  Assistance  and  Improvement  Program.
        Wendy joined the staff in 2000 as an MCLE secretary.
        direct phone: (504)619-0135
        toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 135
        fax: (504)598-6753                              Lucia C. Anderson

        Brooke Theobold
        Professional Programs Paralegal
        Brooke  is  responsible  for  the  administration  of  the
        Transition  Into  Practice  (TIP)  mentoring  program.
        Brooke  also  provides  support  for  the  LSBA  Fee
        Arbitration Program. Brooke joined the staff in August
        2017. She graduated from Louisiana State University   Colette Butler
        in 2008 with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing and
        from Loyola Law School in 2011.
        direct phone: (504)619-0138
        toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 138
        fax: (504)598-6753

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