Page 416 - 2024 Orientation Manual
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accordance with applicable law and the LSBA policy. An Employee may return to work whenever,
after reasonable accommodations and without undue hardship, there is no risk of transmission of the
communicable illness to others, provided the Employee is able to continue to safely perform the job
position’s essential functions with or without a reasonable accommodation.
All applicable leaves, whether paid or unpaid, run concurrently. An Employee is required to
supplement his or her unpaid leave with any accrued but unused vacation time. Once paid leave is
exhausted, the remainder of leave is unpaid.
The LSBA supports its Employees who enlist, are inducted, or called to active duty in the Armed
Forces of the United States including the National Guard and the Reserves for training and/or service.
“Armed Forces” means the Armed Forces, Army National Guard and the Air National Guard when
engaged in active duty for training, inactive duty, or full-time National Guard duty, the commissioned
corps of the Public Health Service, and any other category of persons designated in the Uniformed
Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) and applicable state law.
If an Employee is recalled to active duty in the uniformed services, he/she should notify his/her
supervisor and the Executive Director as soon as possible for details about his/her rights and
obligations. An Employee will be required to submit documentation to his/her supervisor for all
Employees will continue to accrue vacation during the leave period, and will remain enrolled in LSBA
benefits during this period on the same basis as similarly situated active employees. This period will
be considered a regular military leave of absence.
Extended Military Leave
An Employee may request an extended military leave of absence in the event of active duty service for
more than 30 days.
During any period of extended military leave, coverage under the LSBA’s benefit plans will cease. An
Employee (and his or her spouse and eligible dependents), may elect continuation coverage under the
LSBA’s group medical for the duration of leave provided premiums are paid timely. More information
about this election may be obtained from the Executive Director.
Pursuant to USERRA and applicable state law, certain re-employment rights and benefits may be
available at the end of a period of extended military service as long as:
• Advance notice of impending uniformed service was provided;
• The cumulative length of absence does not exceed the maximum period;
• The Employee reports or re-applies for employment within the deadlines prescribed by
USERRA and applicable state law upon the release from duty or upon recovery from
disease or injury resulting from military service; and
• Release from active duty is under other than dishonorable conditions.