Page 430 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 430
UPL Committee researching UPL procedures in other states.
▪ Assume administration of Bar Admissions in Louisiana; and
▪ Continue to coordinate with the Louisiana Supreme Court to identify
and assume additional regulatory functions.
BENCHMARK(S): Continuation of or assumption of program responsibility.
■ The State Bar ensures that its public policy positions are in compliance with
existing law and serve in the maintenance of the unified bar.
▪ Continue to closely monitor legal developments and litigation
concerning unified bars;
o LSBA continuing to monitor litigation challenging mandatory
bars in Michigan, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas and
Wisconsin, and posting all filings on
o Member filed suit against LSBA 8/1/19. U.S. District Court for
the Eastern District of Louisiana dismissed on 1/13/20 and
plaintiff appealed to U.S. 5 Circuit Court of Appeals. Oral
argument originally set for 9/1/20 but delayed due to COVID.
▪ Review and assess House of Delegates policy positions in light of
current constitutional issues and consider asking the House to rescind
potentially problematic policies;
Ad Hoc Committee to Review House of Delegates Policies will submit
resolution(s) to HOD in January 2021 to consider sunset of a number
of policies.
In January 2020, HOD amended Bylaws to require all policy positions
adopted by the House to adhere to and agree with Article XI, Section 1
of the Bylaws, which sets forth scope and limitations for positions
adopted by the Legislation Committee.
▪ Amend the governing documents to increase the size of the majority
needed to adopt future policy positions;
Articles of Incorporation amended in 2019/2020 to require a 75% vote
to adopt policy positions
▪ Consider whether governing documents should be amended to
increase the size of the majority needed for the Board of Governors to
adopt positions on pending legislation;
▪ Keep the House of Delegates informed regarding mandatory bar
litigation and developments; and
President reported to HOD in June 2019 and January 2020 (HOD did
not meet in June 2020 due to COVID)
▪ Consider revisions to the Bylaws dealing with legislation to ensure
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