Page 434 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 434
o Require a comprehensive meeting between mentors and
mentees to discuss in detail the Revised Code of
This item has been added to the TIP Handbook and LSBA staff
continues to administer the TIP program and the Mandatory
TIP program.
▪ Continue to offer Support of Lawyers/Legal Personnel – All Concern
Encouraged (SOLACE);
LSBA staff continues to administer SOLACE emails
▪ Continue to offer Ethics Advisory Service; and
LSBA continuing to offer Ethics Advisory Service to its members
▪ Continue to support Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program (JLAP).
o Board of Governors allocated $300,000 for JLAP in FY
2020/2021 budget
o LSBA President-Elect continues to serve as JLAP Treasurer
o LSBA assisting as needed as JLAP searches for new executive
■ The State Bar partners with other stakeholders including inns of court, local
and specialty bar associations, law school, the judiciary and law firms.
▪ Continue outreach to the law schools in these areas;
▪ Contact the leaders of all local and specialty bar associations and offer
to provide free to their members (including speakers and materials) the
one-hour CLE program (including PowerPoint) to discuss the Revised
Code of Professionalism (this could be a stand-alone presentation or
could be included as part of a multi-topic program);
Committee on the Profession project. Contact completed and
programs held. 17 programs conducted in 2021 and LSBA continuing
▪ Coordinate with the Senior Lawyers Division to provide panelists from
that group to discuss the Revised Code of Professionalism and their
experiences through the years with respect to professionalism, ethics
and the practice of law. This program could be offered to other
organizations and/or law schools to make presentations to their
respective groups;
Committee on the Profession agenda item. Programming held and
Continue joint programming between the Senior Lawyers Division and
the Young Lawyers Division to advance professionalism in the practice
of law and to provide a forum for those groups to learn from and
benefit from one another’s perspectives;
Programs held and continuing.
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