Page 437 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 437
■ The State Bar ensures accessibility in the areas of leadership, programming
and electronic outreach by ensuring multiple points of entry for members to
▪ Continue programming such as Disabilities Series, Women’s
Professional Development Workshop Series, Specialty Bars
Conference, Diversity and Inclusion Managers Summit,
Professionalism Facilitator Teams and Black History CLE Seminar
All programs listed above continue to be held. The Specialty Bars
Conference and Diversity and Inclusion Managers Summit are rotated
The Member Outreach and Diversity Department with the assistance
of the Information Technology Department has updated its webpages
to increase satisfaction of the online experience for LSBA members.
▪ Continue presentation of awards including Chief Justice Bernette
Joshua Johnson Trailblazer Award and Guardian of Diversity Award;
The award programs are ongoing.
▪ Encourage engagement of Board of Governors and House of
Delegates members with constituents in their respective districts
o Board of Governors members are encouraged to present the
CLE entitled, “LSBA: Who We Are and How We Serve Our
Members” in their respective districts. This CLE series focuses
on familiarizing members with the LSBA and services provided
and has been approved for 1.00 professionalism credit.
o The Member Outreach and Diversity Department
communicates information regarding award programming to the
Board of Governors and House of Delegates to encourage
nominations from their local communities.
▪ Encourage leaders to engage with local and specialty bars in their
respective areas;
The Member Outreach and Diversity Department makes an ongoing
effort to connect LSBA leadership with local and specialty bar
leadership by inviting LSBA leadership to an activity with local and
specialty bar leadership when there is an LSBA presence.
▪ Encourage young and/or senior lawyer groups at local bar
associations and consider programming which targets these groups;
The Member Outreach and Diversity Department has made an
ongoing effort to partner with bar associations to provide CLE
programming at no cost or at a low cost to benefit young and/or senior
lawyer groups.
The department created a law office management webinar targeted to
newly admitted attorneys to increase their skills in Microsoft Office. The
first session increases productivity for windows, power point and
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