Page 444 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 444
o Assess possible alternative sources of state and local funding
▪ Assessing expansion of current filing fee statutes
▪ After initial contact, appearance at Clerk of Court
conference was postponed due to event cancelation
▪ LSC Programs worked with LBF to request “Cares Act”
funding for civil legal aid
▪ Meeting scheduled with Commissioner Jay Dardenne
and member of the Funding Committee to discuss
possible use of ARPA funds for civil legal aid
o Hold a Louisiana Access to Justice Commission Meeting in
Baton Rouge, LA to encourage participation by legislators
▪ Scheduled May ATJ Commission meeting in BR to
coincide with legislative session (held virtually due to
▪ Will invite local legislators to meetings outside of BR
(meetings held virtually)
▪ Sen. Beth Mizell has accepted an appointment to the
ATJ Commission and participated in the December 2019
▪ Coordinate Annual ABA Visit to Congress in support of federal funding
for LSC;
o ABA Day Digital 2020
▪ Three Louisiana Congressmen supported robust funding
for the LSC (in a dear colleague letter).
▪ Participated in ABA Day Digital 2020 and visited with
staff of two legislators. Encouraged other legislators
through mechanisms established by ABA Day for this
event (letters, emails, tweets, etc.).
o Coordinating recognition of legislative supporters with
Appleseed lobbyist
▪ First event planned in conjunction with opening of new
Southeast Louisiana Legal Services Hammond office
o ABA Day Digital 2021
▪ Met with staff of Representative Garrett Graves and
Senators Bill Cassidy John Kennedy as part of the ABA
Day Digital Virtual Congressional Visits. Alainna Mire led
the meetings which were also attended by Judy Perry
Martinez and Frank Neuner.
o Met with Rep. Julia Letlow’s staff to educate her on Louisiana’s
civil legal aid network and how legal services can assist Rep.
Letlow’s constituents.
o ABA Day 2022
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