Page 447 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 447

and develop priority list of possible initiatives and projects;
                                         Technology Committee evaluated a list of potential initiatives and
                                         projects from Civil Justice Community partners and will identify one or
                                         two projects to recommend to the ATJ Commission for development.
                                         Learning Management System is being developed by providers and
                                         Lagniappe Law Lab. LearnUpon has been selected as the learning
                                         management system, and now working on the implementation phase,
                                         starting with onboarding materials.
                                     ▪  Assess training needs and develop appropriate resources;
                                            o  Host annual Louisiana Justice Community Conference
                                                The 2020 conference, originally scheduled in-person in
                                                October, was held online Dec 2-4 through a virtual platform,
                                                Pathable with increased attendance and national presenter
                                                participation. All CLEs were recorded and made available. 2021
                                                conference held online October 14-15. Introduced Justice
                                                Fridays which included online training for public interest
                                                attorneys throughout the 2021 year's end. Four hybrid Justice
                                                Fridays were hosted in 2022 in Lafayette, Baton Rouge, and
                                                New Orleans. Justice Fridays partnered with the Governor’s
                                                Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness in
                                                Baton Rouge to offer Disaster CLE in July 2022. In 2022
                                                Justice Fridays were provided in lieu of the 2022 Justice
                                                Conference. This year LSBA ATJ hosted a cross-training
                                                Disaster Law Collaboration Summit in its stead funded by
                                                Southeast Louisiana Legal Services through LSC, which
                                                included more than 200 participants. Recordings for all of these
                                                events are now available on ProBono.Net/LA. Hosted a hybrid
                                                CINC Training worth 3.0 CLE hours in lieu of CINC pre-
                                                conference in December 2022 in Lafayette.
                                                Planning is underway for the 2023 LA Justice Community
                                                Conference, the conference will be held at the Embassy Suites
                                                in Baton Rouge November 2  and 3 .
                                                Provide targeted training throughout the year on public interest
                                                legal issues
                                                   •  Facilitated the 2019 Substantive Law Training Series for
                                                       Public Interest attorneys, providing CLEs in-person and
                                                       via simulcast. Recorded trainings and made available
                                                       online through the LSBA Vimeo page and ProBono.Net.
                                                       Trainings with materials on Family Law, Domestic
                                                       Violence, Successions, Social Security Disability,
                                                       Consumer and Bankruptcy are currently available.

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