Page 360 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 360

Information Technology Department

           Ashley J. Cambre                                                 Timothy Bourgeois
           IT Director                                                      Systems Administrator
           Ashley is responsible for technological planning and             Tim is responsible for administering and maintaining
           implementation.  He  oversees  day-to-day  operations            the  servers,  as  well  as  workstation  hardware  and
           of  all  information  technology,  including  business           software.  In  addition,  Tim  monitors  the  systems’
           application/web  development,  voice/data  services,             health  and  performance,  recommend  and  install
           information systems security, document management,               system  upgrades,  and  serves  as  the  internal  email
           staff/member  communication  systems,  and  network/             administrator.  Timothy  joined  the  LSBA  in  2019.
           workstation  operations.  He  is  responsible  for   Ashley J. Cambre  direct phone: (504)619-0124
           investigating all aspects of technology and technology           toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 124
           development to support the LSBA’s current and long-              fax: (504)566-0930
           range business goals. Ashley joined the staff in 2007.           e-mail:
           direct phone: (504)619-0117
           direct phone: (504)619-0139
           toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 139
           fax: (504)528-9154
                                                            Darin P. Trittel
           Darin P. Trittel
           Web Administrator
           Darin coordinates and manages the technical aspects of
           the Louisiana State Bar Association Web site, LSBA.
           org,  and  recommends  and  implements  existing  and
           emerging technologies to accomplish the association’s
           goals  utilizing  the Web  site.  Darin  joined  the  LSBA
           staff in October 2000.
           direct phone: (504)619-0136
           toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 136       Timothy Bourgeois
           fax: (504)528-9154

                                   Law-Related Education Department

           Peggy V. Cotogno
           Executive Director, La. Center for Law
           and Civic Education
           Peggy became the executive director of the Louisiana
           Center  for  Law  and  Civic  Education  in  2008.  She
           coordinates  law-related  education  in  schools  and
           conducts training workshops for both educators and
           lawyers. She also writes the grants that provide the
           funding for the Center’s administration and programs.  Peggy V. Cotogno
           direct phone: (504)619-0134
           toll-free phone: (800)421-5722, ext. 134
           fax: (504)528-9154
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