Page 361 - 2024 Orientation Manual
P. 361

Mandatory Continuing Legal Education Department

           Mindi Hunter                                                     Sue Eiserloh
           MCLE Director                                                    MCLE Secretary
           Mindi is  responsible  for the overall operation of the          Sue reviews most of the applications and attendance-
           Mandatory  Continuing  Legal  Education  Department.             related records that MCLE receives and posts them to
           Working  with  the  Supreme  Court-appointed  MCLE               the record. She also maintains the MCLE Attendance
           Committee, she oversees the implementation of Rule               portal.  Sue  joined  the  MCLE  department  in  2005.
           XXX,  including  tracking  members’  CLE  credits,               direct phone: (504)619-0156
           certification of program providers and courses, and the          fax: (504)619-0179
           calendar of accredited courses. She supervises a staff of   Mindi Hunter  e-mail:
           3. Mindi joined the LSBA in 2012.
           direct phone: (504)619-0154                                      Robin Louque
           fax: (504)619-0179                                               MCLE Secretary
           e-mail:                                    Robin  reviews  both  sponsor  and  individual
                                                                            applications  for  MCLE  credit.  She  also  posts
           Ursula Edwards                                                   attendance to members’ records and assists with
           MCLE Administrative Assistant                                    maintaining  the  MCLE  attendance  email  portal.
           Ursula responsibilities include preparation of member            Robin joined the LSBA staff in 2014 and joined the
           reinstatements,  liaison  and  accounting  support  to  the      MCLE department in 2019.
           Membership Department, and maintaining accreditation   Sue Eiserloh  direct phone: (504)619-0158
           and attendance records for ABA sponsored programs.               fax: (504)619-0179
           Ursula also responds to requests from the MCLE email             e-mail:
           portal. Ursula joined the MCLE department in 1997.
           direct phone: (504)619-0157
           fax: (504)619-0179

                                                            Robin Louque

                                                            Toni Manno
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