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legal topics--including divorce, child custody, employment law,
and private landlord-tenant law--and is accessible via the
LSBA’s Find Legal Help page and
o The Civil Legal Navigator has also launched a referral navigator
based on location. Other civil legal topics continue to be
■ The State Bar fosters development in civil legal aid.
▪ Continue to facilitate ATJ Pro Bono Subcommittee;
o Two-hour pro bono track held for pro bono providers at 2019
o Completed review of (statewide volunteer
website) focused on updating the site which resulted in
adoption of recommendations by Statewide Website
Stakeholders group. ATJ Staff given site administrative access.
o Created a subcommittee to assist Amanda Brown with the
Lagniappe Law Lab to coordinate the new design and layout of
the site. Further, the group continues to assist with the content
review. The goal is to launch the new site in December 2020.
o The new site was introduced during the 2020 LA
Justice Community Conference.
o The Pro Bono Subcommittee also held a roundtable at the
virtual Justice Conference to discuss common issues related to
the pandemic and the rollout of the new site.
o The subcommittee continues to meet every two months to
discuss issues relevant to pro bono.
▪ Continue to develop Volunteer Attorney Outreach;
o Coordinate annual Lawyers in Libraries
Developed and launched new website to match attorneys
across the state with events at 93+ library branches.
Successfully recruited 102 attorney volunteers for more than
120 events in libraries across the state as part of Lawyers in
Libraries held during National Celebrate Pro Bono Week
(October 21-26, 2019).
Developed virtual events for 2020’s “Lawyers AND Libraries” so
lawyers across the state can continue to help Louisianans with
their legal issues. Successfully recruited over 70 attorney
volunteers for virtual Lawyers AND Libraries events held during
National Celebrate Pro Bono Week (October 26-31, 2020).
Volunteer attorneys assisted over 84 patrons from 25 parishes
through the Ask-A-Lawyer sessions, which were held by phone
and via Volunteers also provided
live presentations on pressing and pandemic-related issues via
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