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ATJ staff participated in two CLEs to promote pro bono. The
first was a part of the “Aging Gracefully for Lawyers” on April
16th and the second will be a part of the Leadership Class’ CLE
to encourage attorneys to volunteer after a disaster, that CLE
was held on Friday, April 23rd and was called “Pandemic Pro
Bono: Navigating Evictions and Small Successions. These
recordings will be edited and added to the library
of resources.
o Facilitate education on volunteer portal of statewide case mgt
Pro Bono Subcommittee presented a CLE on the use of the
volunteer PBI (Private Bar Involvement) Portal, of the statewide
case management system that will facilitate engagement of pro
bono volunteers.
o Coordinate ATJ Distinguished Pro Bono Fellowship Program
Solicited recommendations for participants for the 2020
program from the ATJ Commission and ATJ Committee.
o Participate in National Celebrate Pro Bono Week
▪ Developed virtual events for Lawyers AND Libraries
2020, which was held during National Celebrate Pro
Bono Week October 26-31, 2020.
▪ Developed CLE to recruit volunteers for the Reentry
Legal Clinic to remove legal barriers formerly
incarcerated people face
▪ Developing events to participate in 2021 National
Celebrate Pro Bono Week, which will be held October
▪ Foster law student engagement in civil legal aid;
o Coordinate ATJ Developing Leadership Intern Program
▪ Developed a calendar for the implementation of the
2020 ATJ Developing Leadership Intern Program which
will begin on Monday, May 11 and run until Friday,
June 19 . Adams and Reese, L.L.P.; Baker, Donelson,
Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, P.C.; Entergy, L.L.C.;
and Phelps Dunbar, L.L.P; return as sponsors for the
▪ Due to the pandemic this year’s program was held
virtually, with interns completing projects for the various
participating civil legal aid programs. This year interns
spent time with Judge Woodruff-White of the Family
Court of East Baton Rouge, Lagniappe Law Lab,
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