Page 22 - 23_24OutgoingBOGManual
P. 22

WHEREAS, the missions of these two entities are closely aligned in that many

           lawyers who engage in dishonest conduct by utilizing client funds for the own purposes

           suffer from alcohol and/or drug addiction; and

                  WHEREAS, representatives for LCAF and JLAP have had discussions revolving

           around LCAF making contributions to JLAP to avoid LCAF having to pay onerous excise

           taxes for failure to make sufficient distributions of income for a given year; and

                  WHEREAS,  LCAF’s  stated  purpose  allows  collaboration  with  others  in

           furtherance of its mission;

                  WHEREAS, LSBA has the administrative staff and capability on behalf of JLAP

           to receive, manage and disburse distributions made by LCAF to JLAP so as best to effect

           the joint purposes of the parties, without compensation or benefit to the LSBA;

                  NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein,

           the parties agree hereto to this non-binding memorandum of understanding as follows:

                  1.     In any tax year for LCAF in which undistributed income for the tax year

           immediately  prior  exceeds  total  claims  for  the  current  tax  year,  LCAF  will  consider

           distributing  to  JLAP  the  excess  of  such  undistributed  income  over  total  claims.    For

           purposes of this provision, undistributed income for the LCAF tax year immediately prior

           means the amount reported on Form 990-PF, Part XII, Line 6f for that tax year for LCAF.

           Total claims for the current tax year include all claims either paid or expected to be paid

           by the end of the tax year as determined as of the last scheduled LCAF committee meeting

           for the tax year.

                  2.     LCAF and JLAP are and shall continue to operate as wholly separate

                  3.     The initial term of this Agreement is anticipated to span ten (10) years
           from the Effective Date and to terminate on the anniversary date of this Agreement in

           the year 2033.  Thereafter, the Agreement may be renewed by vote of the trustees of
           LCAF in five-year increments.

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