Page 84 - 2021NovemberBOG
P. 84

o  The series of in-person meetings to collect input from Justice
                                                Community providers, end-users and community programs
                                                became a series of virtual meetings, GIS data collection and
                                                other avenues to obtain input to complete assessment of
                                                Louisiana's civil legal aid and social resources. Work continued
                                                in a most determined way.
                                            o  Commission finalized strategic plan resulting from survey
                                                results and GIS data to move into the implementation phase of
                                                the Justice For All Project.
                                            o  The Civil Legal Navigator launched on a limited number of civil
                                                legal topics--including divorce, child custody, employment law,
                                                and private landlord-tenant law--and is accessible via the
                                                LSBA’s Find Legal Help page and
                                            o  The Civil Legal Navigator has also launched a referral navigator
                                                based on location. Other civil legal topics continue to be
                          ■      The State Bar fosters development in civil legal aid.
                                     ▪  Continue to facilitate ATJ Pro Bono Subcommittee;
                                            o  Two-hour pro bono track held for pro bono providers at 2019
                                            o  Completed review of (statewide volunteer
                                                website) focused on updating the site which resulted in
                                                adoption of recommendations by Statewide Website
                                                Stakeholders group. ATJ Staff given site administrative access.
                                            o  Created a subcommittee to assist Amanda Brown with the
                                                Lagniappe Law Lab to coordinate the new design and layout of
                                                the site. Further, the group continues to assist with the content
                                                review. The goal is to launch the new site in December 2020.
                                            o  The new site was introduced during the 2020 LA
                                                Justice Community Conference.
                                            o  The Pro Bono Subcommittee also held a roundtable at the
                                                virtual Justice Conference to discuss common issues related to
                                                the pandemic and the rollout of the new site.
                                            o  The subcommittee continues to meet every two months to
                                                discuss issues relevant to pro bono.
                                            o  14th the subcommittee met virtually for a Pro Bono Roundtable.
                                                This meeting included a one hour presented from Cheryl
                                                Zalenksi with the ABA’s Center for Pro Bono and a one hour
                                                meeting of the subcommittee to discuss important issues and
                                                upcoming projects.
                                     ▪  Continue to develop Volunteer Attorney Outreach;
                                            o  Coordinate annual Lawyers in Libraries
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