Page 85 - 2021NovemberBOG
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Developed and launched new website to match attorneys
across the state with events at 93+ library branches.
Successfully recruited 102 attorney volunteers for more than
120 events in libraries across the state as part of Lawyers in
Libraries held during National Celebrate Pro Bono Week
(October 21-26, 2019).
Developed virtual events for 2020’s “Lawyers AND Libraries” so
lawyers across the state can continue to help Louisianans with
their legal issues. Successfully recruited over 70 attorney
volunteers for virtual Lawyers AND Libraries events held during
National Celebrate Pro Bono Week (October 26-31, 2020).
Volunteer attorneys assisted over 84 patrons from 25 parishes
through the Ask-A-Lawyer sessions, which were held by phone
and via Volunteers also provided
live presentations on pressing and pandemic-related issues via
our newly created Lawyers in Libraries Facebook page, which
have already received over 2,500 views.
The 2021 Lawyers in Libraries events were held in conjunction
with National Celebrate Pro Bono Week, on October 25-30th.
Successfully recruited 94 volunteers for nearly 150 in-person
and virtual events. Each day of Pro Bono Week, volunteers
also provided live lunchtime presentations on different pressing
and pandemic-related issues via our Lawyers in Libraries
Facebook page.
o Administer Free Legal Answers Program
• Conducted “Transforming Access to Justice”
presentation at Louisiana Justice Community
Conference on how the FLA site can be used to
increase access to justice and presented the site’s
statistics from the past two years as a case study in
what the legal aid community has learned
• Facilitated Entergy’s second
clinic on October 22 where Entergy attorneys came
together for two hours to answer questions posted to the
FLA site.
• Hosted a virtual training for CenturyLink corporate
counsel on June 30, 2020 to show the ins and outs of
the site.
• Plan to incorporate into this
year’s Virtual Lawyers and Libraries Program.
• In response to COVID-19, raised the income guidelines
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