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Ethics School was held on June 22, 2023
The Practice Assistance and Improvement Committee’s 48 Ethics School was held on June 22 at
the Bar Center. Ethics School is the primary component of the LSBA’s Diversion Program. Topics
include the following: Conflicts of Interest, Attorney-Client Relationship: Formation to Termination,
Lawyer Advertising, Substance Abuse and Stress, Law Office Management, How to Handle Fee
Disputes, Lawyer Discipline and Common Ethical Pitfalls and Trust Accounting. Ethics School is a
full day course beginning at 8:00 a.m. and ending at 4:30 p.m. and the cost is $395.00. An exam is
given at the conclusion of the Ethics School, which must be passed. Teachers included practitioners
from around the state and the Chief Disciplinary Counsel.
Trust Accounting School was held on June 21, 2023
The 32 LSBA Trust Accounting School was held on June 21 at the Bar Center. This is a three hour
program offered to attorney referrals from the Office of Disciplinary Counsel who had disciplinary
complaints involving their trust account. The fee is $100.00. The course teaches the attorneys both
the ethical rules involving trust accounting as well as practical demonstrations on how to keep,
maintain, and balance an attorney trust account. It is designed to compliment and exceed what is
taught at the LSBA Ethics School.
Stress Management Workshop
The 7 Stress Management Workshop is scheduled on September 1 . This 3 hour program is taught
by a clinical psychologist and the Director of JLAP and is designed to assist lawyers in dealing with
the stress associated with the practice of law. There is no fee for this program. This program has also
been offered free to the membership.
The following CLE’s were held.