Page 3 - JMI Conference Schedule
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Framework- Dr. Ayesha Fatima, Dr. Sufian Ahmad,
                                                                 Mahwish Alam and Dr. Akhlaq Ahmad
     4.15 p.m. – 4.20 p.m                                    2.  RFID  Technology  and  its  Application  in  Library
                                                                 Automation  -  Asha  Rani,  Research  Scholar  P.G.
                                                                 Department of Library and Information Science
                                                                      University of Jammu
     4.20 p.m – 4.25 p.m                                     3.  Research  Trends  on  Nanotechnology  with  Special
                                                                 Reference  to  India  (2008-17):  A  Scientometric
                                                                 Analysis  -  Banasri  Deka,  Research  Scholar,
                                                                 Department  of  Library  and  Information  Science,
                                                                 Gauhati University, Guwahati
     4.25p.m – 4.30 p.m                                      4.  Investigating  Students’  Satisfaction  About  the
                                                                 Effectiveness of e-Learning System: A Case Study of
                                                                 Postgraduate  Students  of  CCS  Haryana  Agricultural
                                                                 University, Hisar- Dr. Bhanu Partap and Priyanka Neogi
     4.30 p.m. – 4.35 p.m.                                   5.  Mobile-based  Library  App  for  Promoting  and
                                                                 Marketing  Library  and  Information  Services  and
                                                                 Sources in Digital Era- Ankita Saloi
     4.35 p.m – 4.40 p.m.                                    6.  Research  trends  of  Indian  LIS  Researcher:  A
                                                                 Bibliometric  study  of  UGC  CARE  list  of  LIS
                                                                 journals-  Mr.  Banani  Das  and  Prof.  Sanjay  Kumar
     4.40 p.m – 4.45 p.m.                                        Singh
                                                             7.  Impact    of    ICT    and  digital  environment  on
                                                                 performance  measurement  and  job    satisfaction
                                                                 among  the  library  professionals  working  in  the
                                                                 college  libraries  with  special  reference  to  Nalbari
                                                                 District-  Ms.  Chayanika    Sarma  and  Prof.  Sanjay
                                                                 Kumar Singh
     4.45 p.m – 4.50 p.m.                                    8.  Online Citation Tools: A Conceptual Overview- Mr.
     4.50 p.m – 4.55 p.m                                     9.  Application of RFID Technology in Libraries and
                                                                 Role of LIS Professionals- Mr. Manjunatha B. and
                                                                 Mr. Dharanendra Prabhu U.
     4.55 p.m – 5.00 p.m                                     10. Prospects of using Marginal Utility in Book Selection
                                                                 of University Libraries of Assam- Silpisikha Devi

     5.00 p.m. - 5.10 p.m.       Discussion
     5.10 p.m. – 6.15 p.m.       Technical Session VI

     5.10 p.m. – 5.15 p.m.       Session Chairperson    Ms. Kala Dutta- Ex-Director, American Centre, New Delhi

                                 Rapporteur               Dr. S.M. Abbas

     5.15 p.m. – 5.20 p.m.                                   1.  Use  of  Mobile  Devices  among  the  LIS  Students  of
                                                                 Jamia Millia Islamia- Dr. Habibur Rahman Khan and
                                                                 Mohd. Noman
     5.20 p.m. – 5.25 p.m.                                   2.  Role  of  Online  Teaching-Learning  Tools  During
                                                                 COVID-19  Pandemic:  A  Study  in  Reference  to
                                                                 Assam- Abhishek Bora
     5.25 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.                                   3.  Transformation of teaching and learning from real to
                                                                 virtual:  An  exploratorydescriptive  analysis  of  issues
                                                                 and  challenges  A  Research  paper-  Dr.  Yasmeen
                                                                 Shamsi Rizvi and Ms. Asma Nabi
     5.30 p.m. – 5.35 p.m.                                   4.  InfoTree-OAISIS - A Portal for Scholarly Content: A
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