Page 6 - JMI Conference Schedule
P. 6
Notes & Instructions:
1. For Any Clarification or Assistance with regard to conference schedule,
please Contact Conference Program Coordinator: Dr. Sufian Ahmad-
2. Conference will take through Google Meet Platform and link for the same
is being sent herewith. For any issue with regard to link, please contact
Mr. Johan Mir on 9650290302 or Mr. Sandeep Sharma on 9871003407
3. Kindly keep your PPT ready for presentation before 10 minutes of your
scheduled time and share your screen after you are invited.
4. All Speakers, Session Chairmen & Rapporteurs are requested to come
online before 10 minutes of their scheduled time.
5. A trial of the online platform will take place on Monday, 14 September
from 11 AM to 4 PM. Those interested may join meeting through the link
sent. May please contact Mr. Johan Mir on 9650290302 or Mr. Sandeep
Sharma 9871003407
6. E-Certificate for the participations will be sent by the end of September
7. Kindly keep your mikes and cameras on Mute mode during the
conference session. You can use mike and camera only when invited for
your presentation/talk/session chairing/Discussions.
Google Meet Link: