Page 29 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-1-16
P. 29
75 Years STATIC DISPLAYS 29April 2 & 3, 2016
of Airpower
C-47 forced fuselage floor and the addition of C-45 &RXUWHV\SKRWR
a large cargo door were the only major The Model 18 Twin Beech twin-engine air-
&RXUWHV\SKRWR modifications. Other changes included craft were designed by Beech as a response 1976. The production of the Model 18 aircraft
the fitting of cargo hooks beneath the to global tension in the late 1930s. After the did not stop until 1970, with the last model
The military career of the Douglas center wing section and the removal of prototype took flight in 1937, China issued a exported to Japan Airlines, making the design
DC series began in 1936, when the U.S. the tail cone to mount a hook for towing order amounting to $750,000 to convert these the longest continuous production of a piston
Army Air Corps ordered a pair of DC-2 gliders. aircraft into light bombers, but only 39 were engine aircraft; a total of nearly 8,000 were
commercial transports under the desig- delivered by the time China entered WW2 in built during the production life. In addition to
nation C-32. A contract followed for 18 As a supply plane, the C-47 could carry Jul 1937. As the United States geared for war, the production record, Model 18 also held the
DC-2s in the C-33 freighter configuration up to 6,000 pounds of cargo. It could also the Model 18 design were built as US Army most US Federal Aviation Administration-
and two more as C-34 staff transports. hold a fully assembled jeep or a 37 mm AT-7 Navigator, AT-11 Kansan, and C-45 Ex- approved Supplemental Type Certificates of
Then, in 1937, the U.S. Army ordered a cannon. As a troop transport, it carried peditor aircraft and US Navy SNB Kansan, any aircraft design (over 200), making it the
plane built to its own specifications. It 28 soldiers in full combat gear. As a medi- JRB Kansan, and UC-45 Expeditor Navigator most modified American aircraft.
was a hybrid design that combined the cal airlift plane, it could accommodate aircraft.They were used as transports or train-
fuselage of the DC-2 with a DC-3 tail. 14 stretcher patients and three nurses. ers. After the war, the US Air Force kept C-45
This was the sole C-38 prototype, and Seven basic versions were built, and the aircraft in use until 1963, Navy SNB aircraft
it led to 35 production versions called aircraft was given at least 22 designa- until 1972, and US Army C-45 aircraft until
the C-39. The C-39 represented the first tions, including the AC-47D gunship, the
serious effort by the Army to establish EC-47 electronic reconnaissance aircraft, TBM Avenger
an airlift capability. the EC-47Q antiaircraft systems evalu-
ation aircraft and the C-53 Skytrooper. The roar of the TBM Avenger echoed off &RXUWHV\SKRWR
By 1941, the old Air Corps had been countless carrier decks throughout the world
transformed into the Army Air Forces, Every branch of the U.S military and more than 65 years ago. Constructed in 1940 faith in the potential of the Avenger and the
and it selected a modified version of the all the major allied powers flew it. The as a replacement for the obsolete Douglas idea of torpedo attacks as a whole. However,
DC-3 — the C-47 Skytrain — to become U.S. Navy version was the R4D. The TBD Devastator, Grumman’s team ended up after this harsh baptism under fire, the
its standard transport aircraft. A rein- British and the Australians designated it creating one of the most influential aircraft TBM would prove its lethal ability while it
the Dakota (a clever acronym composed of the Second World War. fought in every carrier-versus-carrier battle
of the letters DACoTA for Douglas Air- of the war.
craft Company Transport Aircraft). The The Avenger’s line of service began when
aircraft operated from every continent a group of six Avengers took off on June
in the world and participated in every 4th, 1942 as part of the Battle of Midway.
major battle. By the end of World War Unfortunately, all but one of the six Aveng-
II, more than 10,000 had been built. For ers launched were shot down. This bloody
all of its official and unofficial names, initiation into combat caused the Navy to lose
it came to be known universally as the
“Gooney Bird”; General Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, Supreme Commander of Allied
Forces in Europe, termed it one of the
most vital pieces of military equipment
used in winning the war.