Page 28 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-1-16
P. 28

28 April 2 & 3, 2016                     STATIC DISPLAYS                                                                                        75 Years
                                                                                                                                            of Airpower


                                                       &RXUWHV\SKRWR     The Douglas A-26/B-26          duction, a number of modi-            Invader versions included the
                                                                       bomber was the only Ameri-        fications were progressively       A-26D and A-26E light bomb-
                                                                       can bomber to fly missions in     introduced so that by 1948,        ers, GA-26C ground training
                                                                       three wars. After World War       the A-26 was one of the few        aircraft and the KA-26A tanker.
                                                                       II, it served as a first-line     wartime aircraft types still in    Some A/B-26s were equipped
                                                                       bomber during the Korean War      service with the post-war U.S.     for photo reconnaissance, and
                                                                       and during the Vietnam War.       Air Force. When the famous         during the 1960s, some surplus
                                                                       Douglas started the A-26 in       Martin B-26 Marauder retired       B-26s were used to tow targets.
                                                                       1941 to follow the A-20/DB-7      and the Air Force deleted the      The last U.S. military Invader
                                                                       Havoc bomber.                     designation “A” (for attack        was retired in 1972 and donated
                                                                                                         category), the Douglas Invader     to the Smithsonian’s National
                                                                          Douglas built 2,503 A-         took on the B-26 designation.      Air and Space Museum.
                                                                       26/B-26 Invaders. During pro-


   The North American B-25         drawings and 195,000 engi-        Some versions carried 75-mm         ber guns in the conventional                                            &RXUWHV\SKRWR
Mitchell, a twin-engine bomber     neering man-hours to produce      cannon, machine guns and            bombardier’s compartment. One
that became standard equip-        the first one, but nearly 10,000  added firepower of 13 .50-cali-     version carried eight .50-caliber  guns in the nose in an arrange-
ment for the Allied air forces in  were produced from late 1939,                                                                            ment that provided 14 forward-
World War II, was perhaps the      when the contract was awarded                                                                            firing guns
most versatile aircraft of the     to North American Aviation,
war. It became the most heav-      through 1945.
ily armed airplane in the world,
was used for high- and low-level      Named for famed airpow-
bombing, strafing, photorecon-     er pioneer Brigadier General
naissance, submarine patrol,       William “Billy” Mitchell, it
and even as a fighter. It was      was a twin-tail, mid-wing land
distinguished as the aircraft      monoplane powered by two
that completed the historic raid   1,700-horsepower Wright Cy-
over Tokyo in 1942.                clone engines.

   It required 8,500 original         Normal bomb capacity was
                                   5,000 pounds (2268 kilograms).

                                   Try a little


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