Page 23 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-1-16
P. 23
75 Years FEATURE 23April 2 & 3, 2016
of Airpower
The Luke Air Force Base Air Park is dedicated to the Lt. Frank Luke Jr., who shot down 18 enemy aircraft in 6HQLRU$LUPDQ'HYDQWH:LOOLDPV
men and women who are serving or have served at Luke just nine missions in World War I. It was constructed in
and the heritage of freedom they imparted to the nation. 1992 from copper tubing by retired Master Sgt. Delbert )$)LJKWLQJ)DOFRQ
Styles and Staff Sgt. William Harrick Jr.
The nine airplanes on display are examples of the
types that have served at Luke. They are the F-104 G The park also contains memorials to those who received
Starfighter, T-33A Shooting Star, F-84F Thunderstreak, the Medal of Honor during the Korean and Vietnam wars
F-86F Sabre, F-4 Phantom II, AT-6 Texan, F-100C Super and those from Arizona, for which Luke was one. There
Sabre, F-15B Eagle and the F-16A Fighting Falcon. are several plaques of appreciation from the German air
force and German navy for training German fighter pilots
At the entrance to the Luke Air Park sits a two-third- at Luke Aug. 23, 1957, to March 16, 1983.
scale SPAD XIII wire frame model as a memorial to 2nd