Page 22 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-1-16
P. 22
22 April 2 & 3, 2016 STATIC DISPLAYS 75 Years
of Airpower
B-1 Lancer
Carrying the largest payload of both
C-17 Globemaster II guided and unguided weapons in the Air capabilities, when combined with its sub-
Force inventory, the multimission B-1 stantial payload, excellent radar
Mission interests have changed in recent years, is the backbone of America’s long-range
The C-17 Globemaster III is the newest, and the size and weight of U.S.- mecha- bomber force. It can rapidly deliver mas- targeting system, long loiter time and
most flexible cargo aircraft to enter the nized firepower and equipment have sive quantities of precision and nonpre- survivability, make the B-1 a key element
airlift force. The C-17 is capable of rapid grown in response to improved capabili- cision weapons against any adversary, of any joint/composite strike force. The B-1
strategic delivery of troops and all types of ties of potential adversaries. This trend anywhere in the world, at any time. is a highly versatile, multimission weapon
cargo to main operating bases or directly has significantly increased air mobility Features system.
to forward bases in the deployment area. requirements, particularly in the area of The B-1’s blended wing/body configura-
The aircraft can perform tactical airlift large or heavy outsize cargo. As a result, tion, variable-geometry wings and turbofan The B-1’s synthetic aperture radar is
and airdrop missions and can transport newer and more flexible airlift aircraft after-burning engines, combine to provide capable of tracking, targeting
litters and ambulatory patients during are needed to meet potential armed con- long range maneuverability and high speed
aeromedical evacuations when required. tingencies, peacekeeping or humanitarian while enhancing survivability. and engaging moving vehicles, as well as
The inherent flexibility and performance of missions worldwide. Forward wing settings are used for self-targeting and terrain-following modes.
the C-17 force improve the ability of the to- takeoff, landings, air refueling and in
tal airlift system to fulfill the worldwide air The C-17 is capable of meeting today’s some high-altitude weapons employment In addition, an extremely accurate
mobility requirements of the United States. demanding airlift missions. scenarios. Global Positioning System-aided Inertial
The ultimate measure of airlift effec- Aft wing sweep settings, the main com- Navigation System enables the aircrew to
tiveness is the ability to rapidly project Features bat configuration, are typically used dur- navigate without the aid of ground-based
and sustain an effective combat force close Reliability and maintainability are two ing high subsonic and supersonic flight, navigation aids, as well as engage targets
to a potential battle area. Threats to U.S. outstanding benefits of the C-17 system. enhancing the B-1’s maneuverability in the
Current operational requirements impose low- and high-altitude regimes. with a high level of precision.
demanding reliability and maintainability. The B-1’s speed and superior handling The addition of a fully integrated data
characteristics allow it to seamlessly link with Link-16 capability provides
integrate in mixed force packages. These improved battlefield situation awareness
and secure beyond line of sight reach back
connectivity. In a time sensitive targeting
environment, the aircrew can use target-
ing data received from the Combined Air
Operations Center or other command and
control assets to strike emerging targets
rapidly and efficiently.
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