Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-1-16
P. 19

75 Years     FEATURED DEMONSTRATIONS                                                                                                 19April 2 & 3, 2016
of Airpower

                                                                                        Demonstration team


             flown by Gregory “Wired” Colyer

                After flying with his friend  Acquiring a T-33 and naming                                                            &RXUWHV\SKRWRV
             Kay Eckhart in one of her        it Ace Maker in 2008, he then
             Lockheed T-33s in 2007, Greg     founded the nonprofit (501c-3)
             set his sights on an upgrade     T-33 Heritage Foundation to
             to the U.S. Air Force’s first    help in the preservation of the
             operational jet and a real       type. It later became known as
             piece of U.S. aviation history.  the Acemaker.

Demonstration Team

   Nanchang CJ-6, a Chinese military        designed by upgrading its predecessor       a student pilot and instructor pilot. It is  nine-cylinder, air cooled piston engine
trainer designed in 1958, aircraft per-     CJ-5 trainer. The upgrades included         also fitted with multifunctional display,    designed and built by Zhuzhou Aero-
form in air shows around the West Coast.    incorporation of retractable tricycle type  radio communication and navigation           Engine Factory in June 1958.
The pilots are former fighter pilots.       landing gear, with main gear retracting     equipment, distance measuring equip-
                                            inward into mid fuselage and nose wheel     ment, rate of climb indicator and air           The CJ-6 can fly at a maximum speed
   CJ-6 design features and specifications  folding back into the fuselage.             data computer.                               of 300km/h. The range is 700km and the
   The CJ-6 is a two-seat basic trainer                                                                                              service ceiling is 6,250m. The take-off
and light attack aircraft. It carries a        The fully glass cockpit of the CJ-6 is      The CJ-6 is powered by a single Zhou-     and landing distances of the aircraft
semi-monocoque design. Its airframe         enclosed with a bubble shaped canopy. It    zhou HS6A radial piston engine rated at      are 280m and 350m respectively. The
is made of aluminum alloys. It was          can carry two crew members, including       213kW of output power. The HS6A is a         maximum endurance is 3.6 hours.

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