Page 21 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-1-16
P. 21

75 Years                                               STATIC DISPLAYS                                                                        21April 2 & 3, 2016
    of Airpower

                                                           &RXUWHV\SKRWR                   Mission                    KC-135 is also capable of                            &RXUWHV\SKRWR
                                                                                            The KC-135 Stratotank-     transporting litter and
   The F-15 Eagle has been    while operating in friendly  high thrust-to-weight ra-     er provides the core aerial   ambulatory patients using  of passengers and cargo.
one of the U.S. Air Force’s   or enemy-controlled air-     tio, enables the aircraft to  refueling capability for      patient support pallets    Depending on fuel storage
primary fighter jet aircraft  space. The weapons and       turn tightly without losing   the U.S. Air Force and has    during aeromedical evacu-  configuration, the KC-135
and intercept platforms for   flight control systems are   airspeed.                     excelled in this role for     ations.                    can carry up to 83,000
decades. It can penetrate     designed so one person                                     more than 50 years. This                                 pounds of cargo.Nearly
enemy defense and out-        can safely and effectively      It includes a head-up      unique asset enhances            Features                all internal fuel can be
perform and outfight any      perform air-to-air combat.   display, advanced radar,      the Air Force’s capability       Four turbofans, mount-  pumped through the fly-
current enemy aircraft.                                    inertial navigation system,   to accomplish its primary     ed under 35-degree swept   ing boom, the KC-135’s
The F-15 has electronic           Low wing-loading (the    flight instruments, ultra-    mission of global reach. It   wings, power the KC-       primary fuel transfer
systems and weaponry          ratio of aircraft weight to  high frequency communi-       also provides aerial refuel-  135 to takeoffs at gross   method. One crewmember,
to detect, acquire, track     its wing area) is a vital    cations, tactical navigation  ing support to Air Force,     weights of up to 322,500   known as the boom opera-
and attack enemy aircraft     factor in maneuverability    system and instrument         Navy, Marine Corps and        pounds. A cargo deck       tor, is stationed in the rear
                              and, combined with the       landing system.               allied nation aircraft. The   above the refueling sys-   of the plane and controls
                                                                                                                       tem can hold a mixed load  the boom during in-flight
                                                                                                                                                  air refueling.
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