Page 14 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-1-16
P. 14

14 April 2 & 3, 2016                            LEGACY OF LUKE                                                                                 75 Years
                                                                                                                                           of Airpower

                      by                        Department’s use of the range.As respon-         In 2002, the Sonoran pronghorn popu-                                                      &RXUWHV\SKRWR
        SUSAN GLADSTEIN                         sible stewards of the lands entrusted to      lation on the range dropped nearly 80
                                                the Air Force, Range Management Of-           percent, primarily due to drought condi-     $Q$:DUWKRJIURP'DYLV0RQWKDQ
              WK5DQJH0DQDJHPHQW2IÀFH       fice employs an environmental team to         tions. Lack of rainfall from mid-August      $LU)RUFH%DVHÀLHVRYHUPDQQHG
                                                protect the habitat included within the       2001 to the winter of 2002 contributed       5DQJHDWWKH%DUU\0*ROGZDWHU
   The Barry M.Goldwater Range complex          boundaries of the complex. Staff biologists   to the lowest count ever — 21. The Air       5DQJH(DVW7KH%0*5KDVIRXU
is a vast training range for U.S. and allied    and archaeologists, specifically trained in   Force, Marine Corps, Army National           manned air-to-ground ranges and
pilots. The range consists of 1.7 million       the ecology and culture of southwestern       Guard, FWS and AGFD partners began           each has conventional and special
acres of relatively undisturbed Sonoran         Arizona, have developed comprehensive         planning, funding and implementing           ZHDSRQVGHOLYHU\WDUJHWV5DQJHFRQ-
Desert southwest of Luke Air Force Base         programs to monitor protected species like    emergency recovery measures to reverse       WUROR௻FHUVDUHVWDWLRQHGLQREVHUYD-
between Yuma and Tucson, south of               the Sonoran pronghorn antelope and to         the low population trend.                    tion towers near the target to ensure
Interstate 8. Overhead are 57,000 cubic         inventory native American cultural sites                                                   UDQJHVDIHW\DQGWRVFRUHWKHDFFX-
miles of airspace where pilots practice air-    inside the range’s boundaries.                   The recovery team hauled in water         UDF\RIDSUDFWLFHRUGQDQFHGHOLYHU\
to-air maneuvers and engage simulated                                                         directly to the animals and constructed a    (DFKWDUJHWLVDSSURDFKHGDWGL௺HUHQW
battlefield targets on the ground. Roughly         Before dropping live high explosive        one-square mile semi-captive breeding en-    DLUVSHHGVDQJOHVDQGDOWLWXGHVE\
the size of Connecticut, the immense size       bombs on designated impact areas, biolo-      closure. Personnel continue to monitor the   WKHDWWDFNDLUFUDIW$OOPDQQHGUDQJHV
of the complex allows for simultaneous          gists are sent to ensure there are no prong-  animals and patrol the perimeter fence       KDYHQLJKWRSHUDWLRQVFDSDELOLW\IRU
training activities on nine air-to-ground       horn within five kilometers of a target. If   for predator intrusion or other tampering.   VSHFLDOZHDSRQVGHOLYHULHV0DQQHG
and two air-to-air ranges.                      there are animals present, missions are                                                    UDQJHVDUHSHULRGLFDOO\FORVHGIRU
                                                either redirected or canceled.                   Although tight Air Force controls         maintenance activities and removal
   The Luke Air Force Base 56th Range                                                         have limited public access and kept the      RILQHUWSUDFWLFHERPEVEDOODPPR
Management Office manages the eastern              To protect the range’s remnants of the     proliferation of off-road vehicles from      FDQQRQURXQGVDQGDQ\XQH[SORGHG
1.05 million acres of the Range, known as       past, care has been taken to avoid dis-       damaging the fragile desert landscape,       training ordnance.
BMGR-East. Marine Corps Air Station             turbing or destroying significant cultural    most of the range complex can be visited
Yuma oversees operations on the western         resources during ground activities by the     by obtaining a permit. There are several
portion of the range.                           military or the public. Special protection    visitor regulations associated with obtain-
                                                is provided for archaeologically significant  ing a permit. These are designed to help
   The range has played an integral role        sites and surrounding areas that could        protect personal safety of visitors while
in the flying mission at Luke since both        be impacted by both the military and the      protecting natural and cultural resources
the Gila Bend Auxiliary Air Field and           public.                                       on the range. For instance, all vehicles
the range were constructed in 1941. In                                                        must remain on existing roads at all
the early years, it provided training for          The range is filled with reminders of      times. Regulations require each adult 18
aircraft from both Luke and Williams air        more than 10,000 years of civilization,       years or older have their own permit in
fields. During World War II, the range          including pottery sherds, prehistoric         their possession while on the range and
complex consisted of a ground gunnery           settlements, ancient roads and trails,        must call before they enter and after they
layout of five aerial ranges, measuring         abandoned mining operations, and his-         depart the range. Permits can be obtained
about five miles by 35 miles. Today, the        toric and prehistoric gravesites.The range    from the Range Offices at Gila Bend Air
range is within the unrefueled flight ra-       also contains a historically significant      Force Auxiliary Field and Marine Corps
dius of 12 military installations and the       road, the Camino del Diablo, that was         Air Station Yuma, Cabeza Prieta Na-
U.S. Pacific fleet carriers. Combat pilots      listed in 1978 on the National Register of    tional Wildlife Refuge and the Bureau
from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps and           Historic Places.This rough, unpaved road      of Land Management offices in Yuma
Air Force — active duty, Guard and Re-          crosses the southern portion of the range     and Phoenix.
serve — use the range to hone their skills.     and dips into Mexico.
   The land that makes up the gunnery              Human settlements have been on the
range was withdrawn from public use             range since 9500 B.C. Prehistoric pottery     7KH%DUU\0*ROGZDWHU5DQJH(DVWLVPLOOLRQDFUHVRIUHODWLYHO\XQGLV-
by Executive Order 8892, which was is-          is not uncommon on the range — frag-          WXUEHG6RQRUDQ'HVHUWVRXWKZHVWRI/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVHEHWZHHQ<XPDDQG
sued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt         ments are scattered along prehistoric         7XFVRQVRXWKRI,QWHUVWDWH:KHQVXSHULPSRVHGRYHUWKH3KRHQL[DUHDWKH
on Sept. 5, 1941. More than 70 years of         trails, near watering places, along playa     YDVWODQGPDVVRIWKH%0*5(DVWH[WHQGVQRUWKWRWKH/RRSWRWKHVRXWK
military training has insulated the range       edges, and in mountain passes. Picto-         E\$ZDWXNHHWRWKHZHVWRXWWR3DOR9HUGH1XFOHDU*HQHUDWLQJ6WDWLRQDQG
from intensive human intrusion. Only            graphs adorn flat rocks in many places.       RQWKHZHVWWRWKH6XSHUVWLWLRQ0RXQWDLQV2YHUKHDGRIWKH%0*5&RPSOH[
about 6 percent of the land is intensively                                                    DUHFXELFPLOHVRIDLUVSDFHZKHUHSLORWVSUDFWLFHDLUWRDLUPDQHXYHUV
used for roads, targets and support areas.         Because of the high potential for en-      DQGHQJDJHVLPXODWHGEDWWOH¿HOGWDUJHWVRQWKHJURXQG7KHLPPHQVHVL]HRI
The remaining 94 percent is relatively un-      countering culturally significant objects     WKH%0*5FRPSOH[DOORZVIRUVLPXOWDQHRXVWUDLQLQJDFWLYLWLHVRQQLQHDLUWR
disturbed Sonoran Desert, which thrives         on the range, surveys are performed by        ground and two air-to-air ranges.
under natural conditions. Flora and fauna       qualified archaeologists at areas where
flourish and the archaeological record of       ground activities are planned. If the
10,000 years of human activities lies most-     survey results in significant findings, an
ly undisturbed. Together, the Goldwater         alternative location is selected for the
Range complex, the Pinacate Biosphere           planned activity. Additional inventories
Reserve in Sonora and the Organ Pipe            are being conducted or planned for the
Cactus National Monument make up the            Goldwater Range, with the resulting data
largest unfragmented, protected area in         to be entered into a geographic informa-
Mexico or the U.S. outside of Alaska.           tion system.This system is a management
                                                tool which allows mapping of these sites
   Military users drop live ordnance on         and other significant features of interest.
five pinpoint targets, however 98 percent
of the weapons dropped in the complex are          In addition to cultural preservation,
inert practice bombs. Most of the land is a     the Air Force collaborates with local
safety buffer for low-flying fighter aircraft.  partners on protecting natural resources
The safety zones provide refuge-like condi-     as well.The range is home to the Sonoran
tions for the animals, including a number       Pronghorn, which was federally listed
of protected and endangered species, such       as an endangered species in 1967. The
as the Sonoran pronghorn antelope,cactus        Air Force, Marine Corps, Army National
ferruginous pygmy owl, flat-tailed horned       Guard, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and
lizard, and lesser long-nosed bat.              the Arizona Game and Fish Department
                                                work together to conserve the remaining
   Natural and cultural resource protec-        subpopulation of the Sonoran pronghorn
tion is an important part of the Defense        found on the range.
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