Page 11 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-1-16
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75 Years FUTURE OF LUKE 11April 2 & 3, 2016
of Airpower
to touch down at air shows world wide
by Staff Sgt. commander.“The F-35 will be the backbone practiced and perfected flying in formation “We’re very excited about demonstrating
STACI MILLER of the Air Force fighter fleet and represent with heritage aircraft. this capability to the world,” said Air Force
WK)LJKWHU:LQJ3XEOLF$IIDLUV the future for the U.S., our partners and “Our F-35 team is ready to hit the road Chief of Staff Gen.MarkWelsh III in January
allies. This will be a great opportunity for for the show season, said Lt. Gen. Darryl when the service first announced the F-35’s
Aviation and F-35A fanatics have some- everyone to see how amazing the F-35 is.” Roberson,Air Education and Training Com- participation in the Royal International
thing special to look forward to this 2016 The F-35 Heritage Flight Team includes mand commander. “I feel very confident in Air Tattoo this summer at Royal Air Force
air show season. one pilot and 10 maintainers, all selected what the Luke team is doing here, and I’m Fairford, England. “The F-35 represents a
The Lightning II qualified March 6 at from the 61st Fighter Squadron at Luke excited for them to show this aircraft off to new way of thinking about data integration,
the Heritage Flight Conference at Davis Air Force Base. the world.” weapons and tactics. We’re thrilled to high-
Monthan Air Force Base, Tucson, to take “My team and I are very excited for this The heritage pilots from each aircraft light the program and the amazing Airmen
part in the Air Combat Command Air Force year,” said Maj. Will Andreotta, F-35 heri- have a vantage point few witness but others who support this cutting-edge fighter.”
Heritage Flight program. tage flight team pilot. “We’re so honored to agree the heritage flights are incredible to The F-35 heritage flight team gets to offi-
The program features modern U.S. Air be the first-ever F-35 heritage flight team. view from the ground. cially start their historic first season at home.
Force fighter aircraft flying alongside World We are really laying the foundation for years “Viewers will see a remarkable show,” “Our first show is at Luke,” DeLeon said.
War II, Korean and Vietnam-era aircraft in to come. We know it’s going to be a great said Master Sgt. Ed DeLeon, F-35 heritage “It’s nice to be able to start at home and
a dynamic display of our nation’s airpower season, and we’re ecstatic about talking flight team superintendent. “They will see showcase what we’re all about in front of our
history. with different communities and showcas- America’s newest technology and compare friends and families.After that,I’m so excited
“Being a part of these heritage flights ing the F-35.” the advances first-hand. We’re going to to get on the road and show the world what
allows the world to learn more about the The team practiced their entire routine showcase the past, present and future of we’re all about.”
F-35 and at the same time see just how at the conference. The maintainers were the Air Force.” Luke will present the “75 Years of Air-
far airpower has come over the years,” said able to show off their coordinated take-off The team will travel to 16 air shows power” air show to the Arizona community
April 2 and 3.
Treat yourself to something niceBrig. Gen. Scott Pleus, 56th Fighter Wing and landing procedures while Andreotta around the U.S.and abroad.
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