Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-1-16
P. 12
12 April 2 & 3, 2016 FEATURED DEMONSTRATION 75 Years
of Airpower
Thunderbirds unit composed of eight pilots (including six demonstra- History &RXUWHV\SKRWR
tion pilots), four support officers, four civilians and more
Mission than 100 enlisted personnel performing in almost 30 job The Thunderbirds were officially activated June 1, 1953, as
specialties. the 3600th Air Demonstration Unit at Luke AFB. The unit
Officially, the Thunderbirds are known was nicknamed the “Stardusters.”
as the U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration A Thunderbirds air demonstration is a mix of formation
Squadron. flying and solo routines. The four-jet diamond formation Their first aircraft was the straight-winged F-84G Thun-
demonstrates the training and precision of Air Force pilots, derjet, a combat fighter-bomber that had seen action in Korea.
The squadron’s mission is to plan and while the lead and opposing solo aircraft highlight some Early in 1955, the team transitioned to the swept-winged
present precision aerial maneuvers to of the maximum capabilities of the F-16 Fighting Falcon. F-84F Thunderstreak. In June 1956, the team moved to its
exhibit the current home at Nellis. At the same time the Thunderbirds
capabilities of modern, high-performance aircraft and The pilots perform approximately 40 maneuvers in a traded the veteran F-84 for the world’s first supersonic fighter,
the high degree of professional skill required to operate demonstration. The entire show, including the ground show the F-100 Super Sabre. In 1964, the team changed briefly to the
those aircraft. and air demonstration, lasts about 75 minutes. The season F-105B Thunderchief, but after only six shows, they returned
Within this broad mission, the team has five primary typically starts in March and ends in November, with the to the F-100. From 1969 to 1973, the Thunderbirds flew the
objectives: winter months used to train new members. F-4E Phantom II. In 1974, the Thunderbirds converted to the
t4VQQPSU"JS'PSDFSFDSVJUJOHBOESFUFOUJPOQSPHSBNT T-38 Talon, the world’s first supersonic trainer. Early in 1983,
t 3FJOGPSDF QVCMJD DPOĀEFODF JO UIF "JS 'PSDF BOE UP Officers serve a two-year assignment with the squadron, the Thunderbirds transitioned to the F-16 Fighting Falcon.
demonstrate to the public the professional competence while enlisted personnel serve three to four.
of Air Force members
t4USFOHUIFONPSBMFBOEFTQSJUEFDPSQTBNPOH"JS'PSDF In addition to their responsibilities as the Air Force’s
members premier jet demonstration team, the Thunderbirds are
t4VQQPSU"JS'PSDFDPNNVOJUZSFMBUJPOTBOEQFPQMFUP part of the combat force. If required, the team’s personnel
people programs and aircraft can be rapidly integrated into a fighter unit at
t 3FQSFTFOU UIF 6OJUFE 4UBUFT BOE JUT BSNFE GPSDFT UP Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. Since the aircraft are only
foreign nations and project international goodwill slightly modified, they can be made combat-ready in less
than 72 hours.
The team
F-16 Fighting Falcon
The Thunderbirds squadron is an Air Combat Command The Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon represents the
full range of capabilities possessed by the Air Force’s tactical
fighters. This highly-maneuverable multi-role fighter has
proved to be one of the world’s best precision tactical bombers
and air-to-air combat aircraft.The only modifications needed
to prepare aircraft for air demonstrations are a smoke-
generating system and painting in Thunderbird colors.
Antioch Church of God in Christ Luke Worship Center
Ministry to the Military
9600 W. Peoria Ave. Peoria, AZ 85345
Superintendent Jonathan E. Logan, Pastor
Missionary Christine Logan, First Lady
Phone: 623-486-9007 Service Times: 7:30 am Luke Worship Center is seeking a group of people interested
Fax: 623-486-0246 Sunday: 8:00 am in starting up a Pentecostal style church near Luke AFB. Prayer 9:45 am If you are interested and want more information we will be Worship Service 11:15 am at the Wigwam Resort, Palo Verde room on Apr. 16th from
Sunday School 10-2. There will be hourly door prizes. The Wigwam Resort
Wednesday: 7:00 pm
Prayer Contact Joe Bender 623 734 4693
Bible Study Mary Bender 623 734 2595
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