Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-1-16
P. 7
75 Years LEGACY OF LUKE April 2 & 3, 2016 7
of Airpower
Mission F-15 and F-111 were selected. These as ailerons and rudder. General characteristics
were combined to simplify the airplane Avionics systems include a highly
The F-16 Fighting Falcon is a com- and reduce its size, purchase price, 3ULPDU\IXQFWLRQPXOWLUROH¿JKWHU
pact, multirole fighter aircraft. It is maintenance costs and weight. The accurate enhanced global position- &RQWUDFWRU/RFNKHHG0DUWLQ&RUS
highly maneuverable and has proven light weight of the fuselage is achieved ing and inertial navigation systems, 3RZHU SODQW )&' RQH 3UDWW DQG :KLWQH\
itself in air-to-air combat and air-to- without reducing its strength. With a or EGI, in which computers provide )3: RU *HQHUDO (OHFWULF )
surface attack. It provides a relatively full load of internal fuel, the F-16 can steering information to the pilot. The *(
low-cost, high-performance weapon withstand up to nine G’s -- nine times plane has UHF and VHF radios plus an 7KUXVW)&'SRXQGV
system for the United States and al- the force of gravity -- which exceeds instrument landing system. It also has :LQJVSDQIHHWLQFKHVPHWHUV
lied nations. the capability of other current fighter a warning system and modular coun- /HQJWKIHHWLQFKHVPHWHUV
aircraft. termeasure pods to be used against +HLJKWIHHWPHWHUV
Features airborne or surface electronic threats. :HLJKWSRXQGVZLWKRXWIXHONLORJUDPV
The cockpit and its bubble canopy The fuselage has space for additional 0D[LPXP WDNHRႇ ZHLJKW SRXQGV
In an air combat role, the F-16’s give the pilot unobstructed forward and avionics systems. NLORJUDPV
maneuverability and combat radius upward vision, and greatly improved )XHO FDSDFLW\ SRXQGV LQWHUQDO NLOR
(distance it can fly to enter air combat, vision over the side and to the rear. The &RXUWHV\SKRWR JUDPV W\SLFDO FDSDFLW\ SRXQGV ZLWK WZR
stay, fight and return) exceed that of all seat-back angle was expanded from H[WHUQDOWDQNVNLORJUDPV
potential threat fighter aircraft. It can the usual 13 degrees to 30 degrees, 3D\ORDG WZR SRXQG ERPEV WZR$,0 WZR
locate targets in all weather conditions increasing pilot comfort and gravity $,0DQGWZRSRXQGH[WHUQDOIXHOWDQNV
and detect low flying aircraft in radar force tolerance. The pilot has excellent 6SHHGPSK0DFKDWDOWLWXGH
ground clutter. In an air-to-surface role, flight control of the F-16 through its 5DQJH PRUH WKDQ PLOHV IHUU\ UDQJH
the F-16 can fly more than 500 miles “fly-by-wire” system. Electrical wires QDXWLFDOPLOHV
(860 kilometers), deliver its weapons relay commands, replacing the usual &HLOLQJDERYHIHHWNLORPHWHUV
with superior accuracy, defend itself cables and linkage controls. For easy Armament RQH 0$ PP PXOWLEDUUHO FDQQRQ
against enemy aircraft, and return to and accurate control of the aircraft dur- ZLWK URXQGV H[WHUQDO VWDWLRQV FDQ FDUU\ XS WR
its starting point. An all-weather ca- ing high G-force combat maneuvers, VL[DLUWRDLUPLVVLOHVFRQYHQWLRQDODLUWRDLUDQGDLU
pability allows it to accurately deliver a side stick controller is used instead WRVXUIDFHPXQLWLRQVDQGHOHFWURQLFFRXQWHUPHDVXUH
ordnance during non-visual bombing of the conventional center-mounted SRGV
conditions. stick. Hand pressure on the side stick &UHZ)&RQH)'RQHRUWZR
controller sends electrical signals to 8QLWFRVW)$%PLOOLRQ¿VFDOFRQVWDQW
In designing the F-16, advanced actuators of flight control surfaces such GROODUV )&' PLOOLRQ ¿VFDO FRQVWDQW
aerospace science and proven reliable GROODUV
systems from other aircraft such as the ,QLWLDO RSHUDWLQJ FDSDELOLW\ )$ -DQXDU\
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