Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-1-16
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75 Years                                                                        HISTORY                                                                                     April 2 & 3, 2016  5
of Airpower

                                         56th Fighter Wing
                                            1941 - 2016

                  by                        After World War II, the 56th                                             &RXUWHV\SKRWR  Wing at Nakhon Phanom Royal                                                 &RXUWHV\SKRWR
         RICK GRISET                     Fighter Group was assigned to                                                               Thai Air Force Base, Thailand.
                                         Selfridge Field, Michigan. On Aug.     by military jet fighters. That flight                It was redesignated as the 56th        Fighter Wing conducted combat
        WK)LJKWHU:LQJ+LVWRU\2IÀFH  15, 1947, the 56th Fighter Wing        was a month after the Soviets set up                 Special Operations Wing on Aug.        aircrew training in F-4s and
                                         was activated with the group as a      their blockade of Berlin and put the                 1, 1968. The 56th trained Laotian      later fighter training in F-16s.
   The 56th Fighter Wing, one of         subordinate unit. The wing’s mis-      Soviets on notice that the United                    and Thai air force personnel, and      In the early 1990s, the U.S. Air
the most highly decorated aviation       sion was air defense.The unit wrote    States was capable of deploying a                    supported and conducted com-           Force downsized which removed
units in history, traces its heritage    another chapter in aviation history    large package of modern military                     bat operations against opposing        fighter aircraft from MacDill. The
to the 56th Pursuit Group, which         when on July 14, 1948, its F-80        aircraft across the Atlantic in mini-                armed enemy forces. It played a        redesignated 56th Fighter Wing
first activated on Jan. 15, 1941,        Shooting Stars made the first-ever     mum time. The wing inactivated                       major part in trying to win the        remained in the active fighter
at Savannah Air Base, Georgia.           west-to-east crossing of the Atlantic  Jan. 1, 1964.                                        hearts and minds of the popula-        force and was reassigned to Luke
Redesignated a fighter group, the                                                                                                    tion with its Civic Action Section.    AFB on April 1, 1994, flying F-16s
unit was equipped with the P-47                                                    The wing reactivated March 16,                    It took part in search and rescue,     and the F-15E Strike Eagle. A
Thunderbolt and then reassigned                                                 1967, as the 56th Air Commando                       and suppression of enemy defens-       year later the F-15E training mis-
to England. On April 13, 1943, the                                                                                                   es missions. As such, it took part in  sion moved to Seymour Johnson
56th flew its first combat mission                                                                                                   the battles for Khe San and Lima       AFB, North Carolina. The wing
of World War II. During its two-                                                                                                     Site 85, as well as the rescue raid    received its first F-35 Lightning
year involvement in the air war                                                                                                      on Son Tay prisoner-of-war camp,       II on March 10, 2014.
in Europe, the group shot down                                                                                                       and the attempt to rescue the crew
667 enemy aircraft, more than                                                                                                        of the United States merchant             Today, the 56th Fighter Wing,
any other group in the theater.                                                                                                      container ship SS Mayaguez.            a unit which historically has
It damaged or destroyed a total                                                                                                                                             trained some of the world’s great-
of 1,598.5 enemy aircraft. In the                                                                                                       Redesignated on June 30,            est fighter pilots, has evolved to
process, the 56th lost only 25 pilots                                                                                                1975, and reassigned to MacDill        the mission that Luke AFB has
in aerial combat while producing                                                                                                     AFB, Florida, the 56th Tactical        been identified with since 1941:
40 fighter aces.                                                                                                                                                            “Train the world’s greatest F-35
                                                                                                                                                                            and F-16 fighter pilots.”
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