Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 4-1-16
P. 8

8 April 2 & 3, 2016                            FUTURE OF LUKE                                                                              75 Years
                                                                                                                                       of Airpower



 Mission                                          The F-35’s advanced sensor package       nostics) and health management, opera-              General
                                               is designed to gather, fuse and distrib-    tions scheduling, training, mission plan-
   The F-35 is the U.S. Air Force’s latest     ute more information than any fighter       ning and service support for the F-35.        characteristics
fifth-generation fighter. It will replace the  in history, giving operators a decisive     Essentially, ALIS performs behind-the-
Air Force’s aging fleet of F-16 Fighting       advantage over all adversaries. Its         scenes monitoring, maintenance and          3ULPDU\IXQFWLRQ0XOWLUROH¿JKWHU
Falcons and A-10 Thunderbolt II’s, which       processing power, open architecture,        prognostics to support the aircraft and     3ULPHFRQWUDFWRU/RFNKHHG0DUWLQ
have been the primary fighter aircraft         sophisticated sensors, information fu-      ensure continued health and enhance         3RZHU SODQW 2QH 3UDWW 	 :KLWQH\
for more than 20 years, and bring with it      sion and flexible communication links       operational planning and execution.         )3:WXUERIDQHQJLQH
an enhanced capability to survive in the       make the F-35 an indispensable tool                                                     7KUXVWSRXQGV
advanced threat environment in which it        in future homeland defense, Joint and          The F-35’s helmet mounted display        :LQJVSDQIHHW
was designed to operate. With its aerody-      Coalition irregular warfare and major       system is the most advanced system of       /HQJWKIHHW
namic performance and advanced inte-           combat operations.                          its kind. All the intelligence and target-  +HLJKWIHHW
grated avionics, the F-35 will provide next-                                               ing information an F-35 pilot needs to      0D[LPXP WDNHRII ZHLJKW 
generation stealth, enhanced situational          Because logistics support accounts       complete the mission is displayed on the    SRXQGFODVV
awareness, and reduced vulnerability for       for two-thirds of an aircraft’s life cycle  helmet’s visor.                             6SHHG0DFKaPSK
the United States and allied nations.          cost, the F-35 is designed to achieve                                                   5DQJH0RUHWKDQPLOHVZLWKLQWHU
                                               unprecedented levels of reliability and        The F-35 contains state-of-the-art tac-  QDOIXHOQDXWLFDOPLOHVXQOLPLWHG
 Features                                      maintainability, combined with a highly     tical data links that provide the secure    ZLWKDHULDOUHIXHOLQJ
                                               responsive support and training system      sharing of data among its flight mem-       &HLOLQJ$ERYHIHHW
   The conventional takeoff and landing        linked with the latest in information       bers as well as other airborne, surface     $UPDPHQW,QWHUQDODQGH[WHUQDOFDSD
F-35 gives the U.S. Air Force and allies the   technology. The Autonomic Logistics         and ground-based platforms required to      ELOLW\ 0XQLWLRQV FDUULHG YDU\ EDVHG RQ
power to dominate the skies – anytime,         Information System integrates current       perform assigned missions.                  PLVVLRQUHTXLUHPHQWV
anywhere. The F-35 is an agile, versatile,     performance, operational parameters,                                                    &UHZ2QH
high-performance, 9g capable multirole         current configuration, scheduled up-           The F-35 is designed to provide the
fighter that combines stealth, sensor          grades and maintenance, component           pilot with unsurpassed situational
fusion and unprecedented situational           history, predictive diagnostics (prog-      awareness, positive target identifica-
awareness.                                                                                 tion and precision strike in all weather
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