Page 3 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, December 17, 2021
P. 3

2   December 17, 2021  Commentary  Desert lightning news s. nevaDa  Desert lightning news s. nevaDa  news                             December 17, 2021    3           
 A journey to a better state of mind  reaper, from Page 1  __________  Maintenance Test Station as an LR cock-
                                                 Utilizing the Ruggedized Aircraft
         certifying the ability to train non-LR
         aircrew for future sorties.           pit substitute to validate it as a backup
                                               to ATLC via satellite control, the pilot
            “While we were at MCBH, the ACE    on the ground at Andersen AFB estab-
 by Staff Sgt. Delaney Gonzales  team conducted three rapid refuels utiliz-  lished line-of-sight link with the MQ-9,
 JB Langley-Eustis, Va.  ing only five multi-capable Airmen who   controlled it, and commanded it to land
         were proficient between weapons, aircraft  via ATLC. Like MCBH, this landing was
 Mental health has become an im-  maintenance, and communications,”  conducted without any MQ-9 operations
 portant conversation amongst U.S.   said Lt. Col. Chmielewski, 556th TES  or runway surveys being physically con-
 military leaders across the globe.   commander. “The current standard time  ducted prior to the first landing at Guam.
 These invisible illnesses have affected   to regenerate a sortie is typically three   “The entire logistics footprint included
 many uniformed service personnel to   hours; our average time was 20 minutes.”  seven personnel and a half pallet of equip-
 include even the most senior-ranking   Departing Marine Corps Base Hawaii,  ment with the generator, light cart, and
 members.  the MQ-9 Reaper made history by flying  fuel already in place,” said Chmielewski.
 So, how do we combat something   to Andersen AFB, Guam for the first time  “Within seven hours of equipment arriv-
 we cannot physically see?  in support of Exercise ACE REAPER,  ing on Guam, we were able to regenerate
 For one Airman, the answer to this   validating the ability to transit the MQ-9  an MQ-9 sortie. All around, this rep-
 question is to spread awareness by   Reaper on reduced satellite bandwidth  resented a nearly 90 percent reduction
 sharing personal experiences about   and migrate satellites. Most notably, the  in maintenance manpower, 95 percent
 his mental health journey.  556th TES proved that the MQ-9 in its  reduction in maintenance equipment,                        Air Force photograph by Tech. Sgt. Emerson Nuñez
 “I was initially hesitant to make the   leanest and most agile logistics footprint  and a 100 percent reduction in launch   U.S. Air Force maintenance Airmen from the 556th Test and Evaluation Squadron perform
 call,” said U.S. Air Foce Lt. Col. Ryan   does not require any launch and recovery  and recovery equipment.”  a warm refuel test, where the aircraft is grounded and refueled while powered on but
 Sweazey, Air Combat Command staff   equipment to conduct launch and recov-  The 556th TES ACE REAPER efforts   with the engine not running, at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., Sept. 2, 2021. The warm refuel
 officer and T-38 Talon pilot.  ery operations, according to Chmielewski.  confirmed the feasibility of the MQ-9   test was conducted to test if the operation can be accomplished in austere locations.
 As many may feel when first seek-
 ing out treatment, Sweazey was wor-
 ried about the possible career implica-                                             ACE “perch” concept, which leverages  maintenance to communications to
 tions and perceptions.                                                              the platform’s historic maintenance re-  operations, our team did a phenomenal
 “Although I had heard many times                                                    liability to sustain operations forward  job across the spectrum to innovate new
 that getting assistance would not                                                   from the standard ACE “hub” and  tactics from existing capabilities on a
 impact my career, I was concerned                                                   “spoke” with the ability to conduct mi-  near-impossible timeline to make this
 the reality would not mesh with the                                                 nor maintenance, rapid refuel, and rapid  happen and start validating the MQ-9’s
 policy,” Sweazey noted. “Also, as a                                                 rearming. This capability will move its  ability to be agile.”
 fighter pilot, I was trained to adapt                                               logistics team out from other large foot-  Building on the progress made in the
 and overcome. To be able to deal with                                               prints and remain closer to the fight, to  Pacific Air Forces, the 556th TES will
 complex and demanding situations.                                                   maximize its combat effectiveness.   contribute to the development and evalu-
 So was I being ‘weak’ by asking for                                                   “Without the enduring support from  ation for MQ-9 Joint Force integration
 help?”                                                                              the 432nd Wing and 49th Wing in the  across the kill chain into Valiant Shield
 However, as Sweazey’s mental                                                        overall exercise, this never would have  2022, in an effort to increase strategic
 health worsened, he noticed the toll                                                been a reality,” said Chmielewski. “From  and operational success in the theater.
 it took on not only himself, but his   Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Danny Gonzales
 family as well.  Lt. Col. Ryan Sweazey, Air Combat Command staff officer and T-38 Talon pilot, approaches his jet at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va., Oct.
 “I was tired of waking up at 3 a.m.   28, 2021. Sweazey was recently treated at the 633d Medical Group Mental Health clinic, where he learned healthy coping mechanisms
 angry, fists clenched and jaw sore   to better his state of mind.
 from grinding [my teeth],” Sweazey
 stated. “I had become short-tempered,   regain his confidence in knowing he  tinuously exercised and kept in condi-  “There is no ‘easy button’ fix; re-  Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Divine Cox
 irritable, and began not to recognize   had all the tools to move forward.  tion,” Sweazey said. “This is why I find  covery takes time and effort on your   Airmen from the 556th Test and Evaluation Squadron preflight a MQ-9 Reaper at Andersen
 the person I was becoming. I knew it   “Just last week, I had my last coun-  the mental health counselors’ motto  part,” Sweazey concluded. “Like the   Air Force Base, Guam, Oct. 4, 2021.
 was time to get help.”  seling session,” Sweazey said. “It was  so apropos: ‘We aim to work ourselves  sign in my counselor’s office read: ‘It
 This epiphany was a pivotal mo-  an important milestone in my life in  out of a job.’”  won’t be easy, but it will be worth it’.”
 ment, a snapshot in time that changed   that I was able to look back and see   “The aim is to arm you with the life-  For members seeking help, please
 his trajectory — to one of healing and   how much I had grown and learned.”  long tools to maintain mental health  reach out to your local mental health
 recovery.  Even though his counseling sessions  well after treatment,” Sweazey added.  provider or resources on the ACC
 Sweazey uncovered a life-changing   are no longer ongoing, Sweazey un-  “In that regard, treatment is just the  Bridge or call Military OneSource
 lesson: “Asking for help is NOT an   derstands that mental health requires  first phase in a lifelong journey toward  24/7: 1-800-342-9647
 indication of weakness, but rather a   daily effort.  mental fitness.”  If you have an urgent mental health
 sign of courage,” Sweazey said.  “[This] was not ‘mission complete’   For Sweazey, the road to recovery  need, please call the crisis hotline at
 After 10 months of ongoing coun-  because, just as is the case with the  wasn’t straightforward, but changed his  1-800-273-TALK and press 1 or text
 seling sessions, Sweazey was able to   body, so too must the mind be con-  state of mind and future for the better.  838255.

 Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is   Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and   For all submissions, a name and phone number   Air Force photograph by Tech. Sgt. Emerson Nuñez
 published by Aerotech News and Review, a private   Review of the products or services advertised.   of a person to contact must be included in the event   A U.S. Air Force MQ-9 Reaper taxis in for
 firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force.   Everything advertised in the publication shall be   questions arise.  a warm refuel test, where the aircraft is
 Contents of Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition   made available for purchase and use of patronage   All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity
 Desert Lightning News Staff  are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed   without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national   and conformity to the AP Style Guide, to include   grounded and refueled while powered on
 Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review  by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government,   origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political   military ranks and proper writing etiquette.  Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Divine Cox  but with the engine not running, at Creech
 Stuart Ibberson, Editor  the Department of Defense or the Department of the   affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the   Corrections: Desert Lightning  News  staff   An MQ- Reaper takes off from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, Oct. 5, 2021. MQ-9 training primarily occurs over land, but ACE Reaper
 Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout  members strive for accurac y each week .                                                 Air Force Base, Nev., Sept. 2, 2021. Warm
 Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales  Air Force.  purchaser, user or patron.  If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert   is testing the capabilities of using MQ-9s over water to demonstrate our readiness in any environment. The purpose of ACE Reaper is   refuels can increase the MQ-9’s operational
 The appearance of advertising in this publication,   The deadline for submissions to Desert   Lightning News staff at 334-718-3509, or e-mail
 CONTaCT: editorial Staff at 334-718-3509  including inserts and supplements, does not constitute   Lightning News is no later than Monday, 4:30 p.m.,   to demonstrate the MQ-9’s capabilities and service members’ abilities to rapidly mobilize and integrate across multiple domains. The   agility through reducing turnaround time
 For editorial staff: e-mail  an endorsement by the Department of Defense, the   the week of desired publication date., and we will consider   exercise also serves as an opportunity to train in a maritime environment and in a different airspace.   on the ground.
 publishing a correction when appropriate.
 CONTaCT: advertising Sales at 661-945-5634
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 Printed by Aerotech News and Review, Inc. (877) 247-9288 •
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