Page 8 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, December 17, 2021
P. 8

8   December 17, 2021                                               news                                       Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                   Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                                                                                              December 17, 2021    9                                                                                                                                                      

                                                        bravO, from Page 4    ______    from various Air Force weapons  ships in response to Army Brig.
                                                                                        systems and we want to funda-   Gen. Billy Mitchell’s claim that
     Tree safeTy                                        ration of Air Force, Navy, Army,  activities from talk and imagine  claim undermined the then-cur-
                                                          In an unprecedented collabo-
                                                                                        mentally shift Joint All Domain  bombers sink battleships. This
                                                        and Department of Defense civil-
                                                        ians, along with an expected 10-  exercises to development exercises  rent investments and strategy of
                                                                                        on real weapons system data.”
                                                                                                                        the Navy and then-Department
                                                        plus industry companies, hack-     Wagner, a former software  of War.
                                                        ers — data scientists, product   developer at Microsoft, coded a   Project B was authorized by
                                                        managers and engineers — will   sex trafficking disruption pro-  SECWAR and SECNAV to dis-
                                                        rapidly prototype capabilities   totype on a winning Microsoft  prove and disgrace Mitchell by
                                                        of their choosing on Air Force   hackathon team after just three  demonstrating the insignificance
                                                        Weapons System data, with men-  months working there. That ca-  of airpower. Mitchell instead di-
                                                        torship from Air Force and DOD   pability, now known as Freedom  rected his bombers to destroy all
                                                        leaders.                        Signal, has since scaled to dozens  the test ships, changing military
                                                          Unlike other DOD technical    of police departments and non-  strategy, defense resourcing for
                                                        environments, BRAVO will al-    profit organizations around the  aeronautics and aircraft carriers,
                                                        low hackers to bring open source   United States.               and ultimately the Department
                                                        or proprietary software into the   “This is a beta test of a radi-  of War by proving the need for
                                                        environment quickly, such as the   cal military innovation model  a separate Air Force military
                                                        JAIC’s Joint Common Founda-     that will allow any capable DOD  department.
                                                        tion development platform. This   civilians or military members to   Styled off Project B, BRAVO
                                                        allows for unprecedented soft-  build and validate capability and  hackathons are sponsored by
                                                        ware collaboration to be used on   impact U.S. and foreign partner  senior DOD leaders to provide
                                                        classified DOD data.            national security after one week  technical and cultural innova-
                                                          “I began planning this hack-  of effort. Once we validate our  tion environments that enable
                                                        athon with a peer, Jimmy Jones,   model, we will scale this to 500-  government and industry to test
                                                        this summer while still at DARPA   plus inter-service, inter-agency,  and validate bold ideas on real
                                                        before being hired by the U.S. Air   foreign partner hackers,” Wagner  DoD data. These events align un-
                                                        Force,” said Stuart Wagner, chief
                                  NIST photograph by F. Webber                          said.                           der Air Force Chief of Staff Gen.
     In 2017, NIST demonstrated how an overly dry Christmas   digital transformation officer for   The BRAVO hackathon series  CQ. Brown, Jr.’s Sept. 17, 2021,
     tree could be consumed by flames in less than a minute,   the Department of the Air Force.   is named from Project B, a 1921  memo requiring senior leaders
     turning a lovely yuletide setting into a deadly menace.  “We realized the extent of un-  series of joint Army-Navy target  to enable Airmen to experiment
                                                        derleveraged raw data available   exercises conducted on surplus  and innovate.

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