Page 2 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, June 11, 2021
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2   June 25, 2021                                           Commentary                                         Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                   Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                                     news                                                           June 25, 2021    3                                                                                                                                                      
   raised on resiliency:                                                                                                                                               926th Wing welcomes new commander

                                                                                                                                                                    by Natalie Stanley                                                                          Ma j .  G e n.  B r ya n
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Radliff, 10th Air Force
   how military parents shape their child’s experiences                                                                                                             Nellis AFB, Nev.                                                                            commander, passes
                                                                                                                                                                       Reservists at the 926th Wing said fare-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the 926th Wing guidon
                                                                                                                                                                    well to Col. Sean Carpenter and welcome                                                     to Col. Sean Rassas, the
   by Staff Sgt. Ryann Holzapfel        in 1996, but I don’t have memories of those  could see our families again. That time is                                     to Col. Sean Rassas, during a change of                                                     incoming 926th Wing
   Yokota AB, Japan                     times. What I do remember is him deploy-  still yet to come.                                                                command ceremony June 13, 2021, at                                                          commander during a
                                        ing twice for year-long rotations.      Elijah John Miller was born at the Yokota                                           Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.                                                                 change of command
     When I was 14 years old, at least once a   During the times my dad was gone for  Air Base Hospital, Oct. 8, 2020, at 6:32 a.m.                                    Carpenter relinquished his command                                                       ceremony, June 13,
   week I would have dreams about anxiously  deployments, things were different. We  He was the most beautiful thing I’d ever                                       of the 926th WG after nearly two years                                                      2021, at Nellis Air Force
   waiting for my father’s return home from his  missed him and we kept going, but with a  seen and we were so joyful, but we could                                 and will now transition to Air Combat                                                       Base, Nev. Rassis was
   deployment to Iraq. In the dream, I would  lingering feeling of something missing. Our  only share this happiness with ourselves. It                             Command at Joint Base Langley-Eustis,                                                       previously assigned
   be inside our home, full of excitement and  family wasn’t complete.        was a bittersweet moment. Brendan and I                                               Va.                                                                                         to the 944th Fighter
   ready to welcome him with a huge hug.   We made sure to write letters and send  were so happy to have this brand-new baby                                           “I have been lucky to serve the Citizen                                                  Wing, Luke AFB, Ariz.,
     He walked in the door and suddenly I  care packages full of Diet Pepsi and com-  in our lives, but longed to share that joy with                               Airmen of the 926th Wing as command-                                                        serving as the vice
   would realize he didn’t recognize me, and  pressed air cans for all the sand he encoun-  the people we were closest to.                                          er, they have amazed me every day and                     Air Force photograph by Senior Aireman Brett Clashman commander.
                                                                                                                           Air Force photograph by Staff Sgt. Kyle Johnson
   sometimes, he didn’t even acknowledge  tered. Our family would go to Red Cross   My husband and I were dealt a hard   Staff Sgt. Ryann Holzapfel, 374th Airlift Wing   they are the true heroes,” said Carpenter.
   me. Anxiety overwhelmed my body even  events where they would set up webcams so  situation and we handled it -- something I   Public Affairs craftsman and her husband,   The 926th WG consists of two groups,
   though I was asleep. I felt pain in my chest  you could video chat with a heavily pixelated  didn’t realize in those moments. Although   Staff Sgt. Brendan Miller, Armed Forces   13 squadrons and one detachment across  was committed and honored to carry on  Forces Requirements, Headquarters Air
   as my heart ached. I would squeeze my eyes  screen, but it was real-time -- something  the situation felt unfair and challenging,   Network Tokyo broadcaster, stand on the   the nation and provides combat-ready  the impressive coast to coast mission of  Force, A5RC, the Pentagon, Arlington,
   shut like I was crying before finally waking  totally unheard of in 2011! We made sure  we didn’t halt our lives because we couldn’t   Yokota flight line with their six-month-old   reservists to the United States Air Force  the wing.   Va. From October 2017 to September 2018,
   up. I would feel hurt, being torn from such  he was included in our daily lives by doing  manage it.  I’m sure our parents were handed   son at Yokota Air Base, Japan, April 26, 2021.   Warfare Center as sustained expertise   Rassas also said he will ensure his  he served as the F-16 evaluator, Deputy
   a vivid dream because my dad still wasn’t  activities that people didn’t normally have  situations like these several times without us   Holzapfel and Miller plan on visiting the U.S.   integrated at the operational and tactical  Reserve Citizen Airmen feel valued for  Commander, 944th Operations Group,
   there, and I couldn’t be comforted by the  to do.                          ever knowing, but as kids we accepted and   in the near future to introduce their son to   levels of warfare.               the sacrifices they make to the mission.  Luke AFB, Ariz., and from August 2016 to   Air Force photograph by Senior Aireman Brett Clashman
   one person I longed to be there.        With the long absences came hardships  worked with what we were given.  their families in person for the first time.        Presiding over the event was the 10th   “I will use this office to continue to  October 2017, he served as the F-16 evalu-  Maj. Gen. Bryan Radliff, 10th Air Force
     As a military child, I didn’t realize what  for our family, but when you don’t know   I think childhood gave us a resiliency                                   Air Force Commander Maj. Gen. Bryan  foster a culture and environment where  ator, Commander, 69th Fighter Squadron,   commander, shares remarks during the
   I was facing wasn’t what other children my  what normal is, you just accept the situation  we fell back on during our pregnancy and                              P. Radliff, from Naval Air Station Fort  every Airman is valued for their contri-  Luke AFB.                     926th Wing change of command ceremony,
   age were experiencing. Now, I am a brand-  and press forward. I think of how I never  child’s birth. We see our son’s birth now  way military children are shaped by their   Worth Joint Reserve Base, Texas.  bution, regardless of pay status, rank,   Rassas was born in Northfield, Ill.,   June 13, 2021, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.
   new mother and a dual military spouse. My  felt we went without, or weren’t able to do  as something very special just between us  parents. I’m grateful to be able to fall back   Rassas joins the 926th WG following  creed or experience level,” said Rassas.  and was commissioned in 1996 from   The 10th Air Force operates across multiple
   husband, Brendan, and I grew up as military  something because we were in a single-  because that’s what our upbringing instilled  on the experiences I’ve had as a child as   his time as vice commander of the 944th   From September 2018 to July 2019, Ras-  the United States Air Force Academy. In   domains that include all fighter, bomber,
   children in two very different ways, but both  parent household during that time. If we did,  in us.            stepping stones to the new and challenging       Wing, at Luke AFB, Ariz.              sas served as the Individual Mobilization  1997, he earned his wings at Laughlin   special operations, rescue, airborne warning
   of us came to understand what it meant to  I don’t remember it, which is not an easy feat   We learned to take the challenges that  scenarios the military presents to me as a   During the ceremony Rassas said he  Augmentee to the Director of Combat Air  AFB, Texas, choosing to fly the F-16.  and control, and combat operations.
   be resilient.                        for any parent to pull off.           come, work with what you have and then  parent. I think all military parents should
     My husband’s father was active duty in   I never knew I would have my own  look back on it as formative life experience.  know the important work they are doing
   the Air Force for 33 years, first as an enlisted  military child. My husband and I moved   Now that we are parents, our son is a  and understand it isn’t easy.  COMMAND, from Page 1                  Force Weapons Instructor Course. He holds  AFWC in July 2019. One of his primary
   linguistics Airman and later commissioned  to Yokota, Japan, when I was about eight  military child. Brendan and I have about   I texted my stepmom while writing this                                 multiple masters degrees and a doctorate in  objectives was the launch of a $500 million
   into communications. During his child-  weeks pregnant in February 2020 and we  two years left on both of our enlistments.  article to verify some timelines about my   and critical to honing our warfighting edge  philosophy.            operational training and testing construc-
   hood, Brendan lived all over the world,  were so excited to start a family at our new  Conversations about re-enlisting or extend-  dad and when I did, I flashed back to those   and accelerating the change that we need   As a command pilot, Cunningham has  tion project to facilitate fully integrated joint
   homeschooling and attending schools in  duty station. This was both of our parents’  ing enlistments used to just be about what  times he was gone.              to maintain our ability to fly, fight, win and  more than 3,200 flight hours in the F-15C/D,  and allied test, ensuring top-tier training
   Japan, Uzbekistan, Portugal and all over  first grandbaby! Our families all had plans  we wanted for both of us, and now we have   It felt like it was just the other day we   deliver airpower anytime, anywhere,” he  F-22A, F-16C/D, MC-12W and MQ-9.  against adversary threats.
   America. His dad deployed and went on  to come visit Japan when he would be born  to include our son and what is best for our  were all together living without my dad and   continued.                  “I’m absolutely honored to join you in   “We are at a pivotal time in our nation’s
   temporary duty assignments for various  and we couldn’t wait to have all three new  entire family.              thinking about it made me a little sad as a         Prior to taking command, Cunningham  this critical mission in these dynamic times  history. It is our Airmen who are going to
   periods of times throughout his life. Bren-  sets of grandparents meet him.  I never considered before how being a  mom and a wife. Those events were hard for   served as the director of plans, programs and  and am incredibly excited to continue Maj.  carry us through this,” Corcoran said.
   dan saw changes in his location through   Then COVID-19 hit.               military child is something that can really  me, but my stepmom took on a huge respon-  requirements for ACC. He received his com-  Gen. Corcoran’s legacy of leadership in this   “What we need to do as leaders is give
   various moves, distancing him from his   We went through my whole pregnancy  build a strong foundation for children. The  sibility and I think she did well. I think my   mission in 1994 as a graduate of the U.S. Air  important role,” said Cunningham.  them the tools they need, give them the
   extended family.                     separated from our families. I would send  challenges that come with being a military  dad took on a career that was demanding,   Force Academy and is a graduate of the Air   Upon his departure, Corcoran was pre-  direction and guidance they deserve and get   Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Bryan Guthrie
     My experience as a military child was  ultrasound pictures over messages; I would  child come with so many rewards.  but would not have done so if he didn’t think                                   sented with the Air Force Distinguished  out of the way. I am confident, 100 percent   Col. Ryan Messer, 53rd Wing commander,
   slightly different. My dad served as a reserv-  show my pregnant belly to our parents over   When you leave friends, you welcome  our family was strong enough to handle it.                           Service Medal for his leadership of the US-  confident, that going forward if we can do   passes the guidon to Col. Jason Zumwalt,
   ist in the Army on active and reserve orders  video chat and we even had a virtual baby  new ones. When you leave somewhere fa-  I can only hope that I provide my child                               AFWC and Air Force initiatives, including  that for them, they’ll deliver like so many   the incoming 53rd Test and Evaluation
   throughout his 28-year career as a logistics  shower.                      miliar, you get to explore somewhere new  with the same positive experience as I was                                        the next generation air dominance force  generations before. Like so many wonderful   Group commander, at Nellis Air Force Base,
   officer. I lived in Omaha, Neb., my whole life.  Not only were we experiencing our entire  and exciting. When you’re separated from  able to have. My parents shaped my experi-                        development, advanced programs security  generations, they’re willing to sacrifice, to   Nev., June 17, 2021. Zumwalt took command
     My dad worked a civilian job while  first pregnancy without being close to our  family, you learn how to have an extended  ence as a military child. At the time, I did                              mitigation, full-mission simulation for a  pay the price, bearing any burden to make   of the 53rd TEG which is responsible for
   leaving sometimes for weekends, or longer  family, but now the odds of them coming  family through other military members. All  not know what I was experiencing would                                 comprehensive test and training program,  sure that our Air Force can continue to fly,   delivering safe and effective tactics that
   periods of time, for training. When I was  to visit our newborn baby were dwindling.  are hardships that you spin into something  be something that would shape me into the                            and the Advanced Battle Management  flight and win anywhere, anytime for our   enhance the Combat Air Force’s lethality
   only a few months old, he deployed for   We were looking forward to the time  positive for yourself.            Airman, wife and mother I am today, and                                                System.                              nation and for our like-minded allies,” he   and executes Air Combat Command’s
   Desert Storm for a year and again to Kosovo  when travel restrictions would lift and we   Now as a parent, I can also see the  for that -- I am grateful.                                                “Maj. Gen. Corcoran set the vision for  concluded as he bid farewell.    operational test and evaluation for 13
                                                                                                                                                                                                          what Nellis and the Warfare Center enter-  Corcoran’s next assignment is as the As-  different airframes.
                                                                                                                                                                        Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Bryan Guthriee  prise will be for years to come,” said Kelly.  sistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations,
                                            Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is   Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and   For all submissions, a name and phone number   Col. Richard Dickens, 505th Command  “He was instrumental to new weapons, new  Headquarters Air Force at the Pentagon,
                                         published by Aerotech News and Review, a private   Review of the products or services advertised.   of a person to contact must be included in the event   and Control Wing commander, passes the  weapons school instructor course standup  which develops combat readiness, force   of the 53rd Test and Evaluation Group,
                                         firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force.   Everything advertised in the publication shall be   questions arise.   guidon to Col. Aaron Gibney, 505th Combat  and improved our operational test and  management, Air Force policy and opera-  53rd Wing from Col. William Creeden.
                                         Contents of Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition   made available for purchase and use of patronage   All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity                                                                            Col. Daniel Lehoski assumed command
         Desert Lightning News Staff     are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed   without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national   and conformity to the AP Style Guide, to include   Training Group commander, at Nellis Air  training infrastructure. As a fourth- and  tional test and training infrastructure.
      Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review  by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government,   origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political   military ranks and proper writing etiquette.  Force Base, Nev., June 18, 2021. The 505th  fifth-gen air superiority expert, he ensured   In addition to the change in leadership   of the USAF Weapons School, 57th Wing
      Stuart Ibberson, Editor            the Department of Defense or the Department of the   affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the   Corrections: Desert Lightning  News  staff   CTG mission is to conduct operational  that those generations of air superiority are  at the USAFWC, several other changes of   from Col. Jack Arthaud. Col. Aaron Gibney
      Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout                                                                              members strive for accurac y each week .                                                                                                                           assumed command of the 505th Combat
      Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales   Air Force.                           purchaser, user or patron.          If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert   assessments/experimentation, develop  not the last generations of air superiority for  command occurred at Nellis Air Force Base
                                            The appearance of advertising in this publication,   The deadline for submissions to Desert   Lightning News staff at 334-718-3509, or e-mail                                                                                            Training Group, 505th Command and
      CONTACT: Editorial Staff at 334-718-3509  including inserts and supplements, does not constitute   Lightning News is no later than Monday, 4:30 p.m.,         advanced tactics and train warfighters for  this nation.”                  June 17-18.
      For editorial staff: e-mail  an endorsement by the Department of Defense, the   the week of desired publication date., and we will consider   multi-domain integration.  Corcoran took command of the US-  Col. Jason Zumwalt assumed command   Control Wing from Col. Shayne Yorton.
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