Page 5 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, June 11, 2021
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4   June 25, 2021  news  Desert lightning news s. nevaDa  Desert lightning news s. nevaDa  veterans’ news                                  June 25, 2021    5           

 Current PCS, household goods affected by supply shortages  Veteran feedback needed from health care surveys

 Air Force News  It Yourself move). According to the com-  VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System is constantly   appointment. A link to the V-Signals survey is sent to the
 Following the COVID-19 pandemic,   muniqué, this option allows personnel to   evolving the way it provides care based on feedback from   veteran via a text message or email. This allows the veteran
 supply shortages have been popping up   “control your move dates and ensure you   veterans themselves.       to provide real-time feedback and is shorter in length than
 in everything from lumber to computer   have ready access to your property upon   Shortly after a visit to a VASNHS hospital or clinic, vet-  the SHEP survey. Results are shared with VASNHS Veterans
 chips to new cars.  arrival at your new location. There are   erans may receive a survey that asks them about their visit.   Experience staff within 5-10 mins of survey submission.
 These shortfalls are likely to affect some   several PPM options, including one that   These can come in two forms: a SHEP or V-Signals survey.  Currently V-Signals surveys are provided for Outpatient
 service members and their families this   reimburses up to what the government   The Survey of Healthcare Experience of Patients (SHEP)   appointments, but plans are in place for Inpatient appoint-
 summer during the typically busy per-  would have paid for the move and another   provides information to facility managers about the veteran   ments to be eligible for V-Signals surveys in the near future.
 manent change of station, or PCS, season.  where you could receive a financial incen-  experience. Feedback includes ease and speed of making   VASNHS Chief of Public Affairs Charles Ramey says
 According to a newly released com-  tive of 100 percent of the government’s   an appointment, experience with their provider, followed   SHEP and V-Signals surveys impact the Veteran experience
 muniqué from the Air Force’s Personal   constructed cost, plus fuel surcharge, and   up with blood test or x-ray results, and if medications were   and improve clinical health outcomes in profound ways. “If
 Property Activity Headquarters, “Depart-  other (accessory costs).”  discussed. Veterans can receive this survey through post   we don’t know how we’re doing, we don’t know where to
 ment of Defense demand this peak season   In addition to the old “rent a truck”   mail or email, and typically arrives two weeks after your   VA photograph  focus our efforts to improve care. The more people we hear
 has greatly exceeded commercial industry   PPM option, Airmen now have access   appointment or discharge from inpatient care.  An Air Force veteran looks over the VA survey.  from, the more reliable our information is and the more
 capabilities, largely due to resource con-  to new modes within the commercial   SHEP surveys focus on four health care areas: inpatient   confident we are that we are looking in the right places and
 straints associated with the COVID-19   industry called portable moving and   care, primary care, specialty care and care in the commu-  hospital care provided in return for the public investment.  taking the right actions.”
 pandemic. Per industry, this resulted in a   storage containers. These containers are   nity. The survey information and other data, such as wait  These are also some of the key drivers that impact veteran   In the case of both surveys, veterans’ participation is
 25% decrease in their labor pool, resulting   dropped at the home, the service member   times, staffing data, direct observation or talking to patients,  trust in the quality of care.  paramount to their success. VA nationwide averages about
 in (decreased) personal property move-  Navy photograph by Daniel Mayberry  packs them and the company picks up,   help to generate a robust picture of facility health and areas   SHEP shows us where we stand among health care  a 35 percent response rate. This indicates many veterans
 ment capacity necessary to support private   A family’s household goods are packed up ready for a PCS move in Honolulu, Hawaii.  transports, stores and then delivers to the   for improvement.  providers within our community and across the nation.  invest in their own health care and appreciate having a voice
 sector and government demand.”  destination. Some companies also offer a   Nationally, all health care is evaluated under a program  By maintaining what is good and focusing improvement  in improving it. The number of patients surveyed varies
 To mitigate negative impacts on DOD  ity to achieve maximum carrier capacity.  • Ask about expanding pack/pickup (a.k.a.,  menu of associated services including full   called CAHPS (Consumer Assessment of Healthcare  measures on problem areas, we expect ratings to improve  based on the size of the facility and the type of care sought.
 families, the Air Force Joint Personal   For those scheduled to PCS this year,   “spread date”) windows from the current  or partial packing.  Providers and Systems.) This program helps health care  over time. The quarterly reports provide gains or losses   Ramey believes these surveys are an important compo-
 Property Shipping Offices are employing  there are some actions that can add more   seven-day requirement to 14 days.  Airmen can contact their local Person-  systems to evaluate their care in three areas. First, patients’  based on the previous reporting period.  nent of VASNHS becoming a trusted care provider. “Fo-
 all available tools and options to accom-  flexibility to your plans and help the  • Contact the assignments team to deter-  al Property Processing Office to discuss   perspectives of care that allow objective and meaningful   The VA Office of Quality and Patient Safety, Analytics  cusing on those moments that matter increases a veterans
 modate shipment and delivery requests.  Household Goods community with an   mine if they can postpone the move by  the benefits of a PPM. They can provide   comparisons of hospitals on topics that are important to  and Performance Integration Division, Office of Perfor-  understanding and ability to manage their health post-
 Individual DOD services and United  expanded opportunity to move personal   changing the report not later than date.  an estimate of the cost factors, describe   consumers. Second, public reporting of the survey results  mance Measurement, conducts SHEP surveys.  discharge. Good patient experience is good medicine. By
 States Transportation Command leaders  property:  Airmen can take more control over their  the ins and outs of the programs and help   creates new incentives for hospitals to improve quality of   The second survey that the VA relies on for veteran  giving them a good patient experience and always looking
 are working with the commercial industry  • Get shipping requests in four to six  move this summer by doing a personally  determine if the PPM option is a good fit   care. Third, public reporting serves to enhance accountabil-  feedback about their care is V-Signals. A V-Signals survey  to improve it, we are giving them the skills and knowledge
 to modify business rules, adding flexibil-  weeks prior to the pickup window.  procured move (formerly known as the Do  for each family.  ity in health care by increasing transparency of the quality of  is given at random shortly after a veteran finishes their  needed to stay healthy.”

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