Page 23 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-7-15
P. 23

Thunderbolt                                                      SPORTS                                                                                              Aug. 7, 2015
MDG triumphs
                                                                                                                                        Sports Shorts
despite close call
                                                                                                                                      Bodybuilder competition
            JAMES HENSLEY                                                                                                                7KH %U\DQW )LWQHVV &HQWHU LV KROG-
                                                                                                                                      ing a men’s bodybuilding/physique and
                          56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  Dylan Vogel, 56th Medical Group team member, goes for a layup during      ZRPHQ·V SK\VLTXH ÀJXUH DQG ELNLQL
                                                                                                                                      competition Aug. 15. Register now. For
  The 56th Medical Group and 56th Aircraft                  an intramural basketball match against the 56th Medical Group July 23 at  more information, call 623-856-6241.
Maintenance Squadron went head-to-head in                   /XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH7KH¿QDOVFRUHZDV
intramural basketball July 23 at the Luke Air                                                                                         Start Smart basketball
edging out AMXS 49-44.                                                                                                                   $6WDUW6PDUW%DVNHWEDOOSURJUDPZLOO
                                                                                                                                      be held on Tuesdays Aug. 18 through
  MDG won the opening tip off only to have                                                                                            Sept. 22 for children, ages 3 to 5, at the
$0;6VWHDOWKHEDOODQGVFRUHÀUVW7KLVVHHVDZ                                                                                      /XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH<RXWK&HQWHU)RU
battle continued with AMXS pulling ahead at                                                                                           more information, call 623-856-7470.
the end of the half.
                                                                                                                                      Powerlifting competition
  Going into the second half AMXS was up by 7
DQGFRQÀGHQWWKH\FRXOGKROGWKHOHDG                                                                                                   A powerlifting competition is 10 a.m.
                                                                                                                                      Aug. 21 at the Combat PT Center. Sign-
  “Heading into the game we wanted to work                                                                                            in is 9 to 9:45 a.m. There are men’s and
hard, play good defense and make some open                                                                                            women’s categories in squat, bench
VKRWVLISRVVLEOHµVDLG%UHWW*XGLPWK$0;6                                                                                     press and dead-lift. For more informa-
team member. “We’ve got a 7-point lead and                                                                                            tion, call 623-856-6241.
we’re playing good defense. We need to move
the ball more on offense. The plan for the game                                                                                       Fall triathlon
overall is just to have some fun especially since
we have a bunch of Airmen from different squad-                                                                                          The fall triathlon includes a 400-meter
rons comprising the team.”                                                                                                            swim, 12-mile bike ride and 5k run begin-
                                                                                                                                      ning at 7 a.m. Aug. 29 at Silver Wings
  MDG played strong and kept it close eventu-                                                                                         Poor. Register by Aug. 21 and receive a free
ally tying it up.                                                                                                                     7VKLUW7KHFRVWLVSHULGHQWLÀFDWLRQ
                                                                                                                                      card holder and $45 for all others. Indi-
  The rest of the game proved more of the same                                                                                        vidual and team registration is available
ZLWKDEDFNDQGIRUWKÀJKW0'*WRRNWKHOHDG                                                                                        at outdoor recreation or
and held on for the win. AMXS made a run late                                                                                         For more information, call 623-856-6267.
in the game, but it was too little too late.
                                                                                                                                      Labor Day golf tournament
struggled with communication,” said Dylan Vo-                                                                                            Falcon Dunes Golf Course is featuring
gel, 56th MDG team member. “We came out with                                                                                          a Labor day golf tournament at 7:30 a.m.
a lot of intensity and played some good defense.                                                                                      Sept. 7. The cost is $32 per club member,
We played as a team despite our communication.                                                                                        $37 per nonmember, $42 per guest and
The team came together in the second half.”                                                                                           includes green fee, range balls, cart
                                                                                                                                      rental and lunch. To register or for more
                                                                                                                                      information, call 623-535-9334.

of the

                         7RGD\0/%        Senior Airman           Airman 1st Class                Senior Airman           Airman 1st Class           Airman 1st Class
                                          Devante Williams            Dylan Hinnant                 Ryan Shappell               Brian Dirgo
            Toronto vs. N.Y. Yankees      56th Fighter Wing                                 56th Mission Support Group                                  Eleane Herrera
                +RXVWRQYV2DNODQG                              56th Operations Group                                  56th Maintenance Group
                                             N.Y. Yankees                                                Toronto                                     56th Medical Group
   6DQ)UDQFLVFRYV&KLFDJR&XEV                                      N.Y. Yankees                      2DNODQG               N.Y. Yankees
          /$'RGJHUVYV3LWWVEXUJK             Houston                                              San Francisco                                        N.Y. Yankees
                     7H[DVYV6HDWWOH                                    Houston                      /$'RGJHUV                 Houston
            1<0HWVYV7DPSD%D\         San Francisco                                                 7H[DV                &KLFDJR&XEV                  Houston
            &RORUDGRYV:DVKLQJWRQ           /$'RGJHUV              San Francisco                     N.Y. Mets               /$'RGJHUV               &KLFDJR&XEV
                                                 7H[DV                                                                                                     /$'RGJHUV
                    Boston vs. Detroit                                   Pittsburgh                    Washington                  Seattle
                                               N.Y. Mets                   7H[DV                                                                             Seattle
          Minnesota vs. Cleveland              &RORUDGR                                                   Detroit                N.Y. Mets
&KLFDJR:KLWH6R[YV.DQVDV&LW\                                        N.Y. Mets                                                                          N.Y. Mets
                                                 Boston                                                Minnesota                Washington                  &RORUDGR
             6W/RXLVYV0LOZDXNHH                                    Washington                    .DQVDV&LW\
                     0LDPLYV$WODQWD         Minnesota                                                                           Boston                    Boston
                                         &KLFDJR:KLWH6R[                 Detroit                      St. Louis                                           &OHYHODQG
                &LQFLQQDWLYV$UL]RQD                                                                                           Minnesota                 .DQVDV&LW\
         3KLODGHOSKLDYV6DQ'LHJR             St. Louis                Minnesota                       Atlanta                .DQVDV&LW\
                                                                        .DQVDV&LW\                      $UL]RQD                                            St. Louis
             %DOWLPRUHYV/$$QJHOV             Atlanta                                               San Diego                  St. Louis                   0LDPL
             /DVWZHHN¶VSHUFHQWDJH             $UL]RQD                   St. Louis                                                0LDPL                     $UL]RQD
             <HDUWRGDWHSHUFHQWDJH         3KLODGHOSKLD                                               LA Angels
                                                                           Atlanta                                               &LQFLQQDWL               3KLODGHOSKLD
                             Trash talk        LA Angels                  $UL]RQD                      50 percent               3KLODGHOSKLD                %DOWLPRUH

                                              50 percent                 San Diego                     53 percent                LA Angels                 50 percent
                                              SHUFHQW                                            %DFNWREDFN                                        SHUFHQW
                                                                         LA Angels                                               50 percent       ,GRQ¶WDOZD\VPDNHVSRUWV
                                         "Fool! This isn't even                                                                                    SLFNVEXWZKHQ,GR,
                                            P\¿QDOIRUP               50 percent                                              53 percent          DOPRVWDOZD\VULJKW
                                                                         55 percent
PMXVWORRNLQJDURXQG                                       Meek Mill."

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