Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-7-15
P. 19
Thunderbolt NEWS Aug. 7, 2015
STREET BEAT Chaplain’s thoughts ...
The 56th Security Forces Squad- was treated at the scene and taken :K\DUH\RXKHUH" I walked
ron handled the following incidents to a nearby hospital for further Despite the angst of family separation, with him to
July 27 through Aug. 2: evaluation. most chaplains enjoy deployments; they are the individ-
Tickets Nonemergency midst of service that we love, we can grow tired, ment desk
despondent and question why we are here. and then to
Security forces issued citations for responses %HORZLVDFRPSRVLWHDFFRXQWZLWKQDPHV the individual
seven moving violations. etc. changed, gleaned from a deployment in body armor shop
Aug. 1: Security forces responded 2010. During this deployment, I worked a 4 to turn in his gear.
7UDI¿FUHODWHGLQFLGHQWV to a warrant’s hit for assault on a p.m. to 4 a.m. shift, ministering to troops, We then went to the
July 27: Security forces responded center. Security forces detained the and out of theater. Perhaps it will give you transient tent city. We walked to the chow
to a report of a major accident in- individual and contacted Glendale an insight into the work of your chaplains. hall for midnight breakfast.
volving a privately owned vehicle police who took control. My work here can be monotonous and
vs. a government-owned vehicle at lonely. With three to four thousand troops During conversation over a really good
WKHSDUNLQJORWRI%OGJ7KHUH July 30: Security forces and transitioning each week I don’t make deep EUHDNIDVW,OHDUQHGKHZDVDÀUHÀJKWHUIURP
were no injuries. firefighters responded to a report and meaningful relationships. Dallas, deployed with his Army National
of a gas leak at the base gym. The The monotony can cause me to wonder why Guard unit. I learned that he was a Methodist
July 31: Security forces responded response was terminated an all I’m here. Typically, I get the answer within QRQSUDFWLFLQJWKHIDWKHURIÀYHFKLOGUHQUDQJ-
to a report of a minor two-vehicle clear was given. There were no the day as one more Soldier, Sailor or Marine ing in age from 3 to 16, and gratefully, the rest
accident at Lightning Gate. injuries. comes to me for help. of his family was with his dad when he passed.
The past several hours or so were spent
There were no injuries. Alarm activations with a Soldier from a forward operating base After the meal, I walked with him toward
in eastern Iraq. He was on emergency leave his tent, had a brief prayer with him, wished
Emergency responses Security forces responded to 13 DIWHUUHFHLYLQJD5HG&URVVQRWLÀFDWLRQWKDW him well and said goodbye. He settled in for
alarm activations on base. his father had suffered a stroke and died. I a bit of shuteye before his early morning bus
July 29: Security forces responded ZDVQRWLÀHGWKDWKHZRXOGEHFRPLQJWKURXJK ride to the airport.
to a report of a medical emergency Tip of the week and would need assistance.
DWWKHÀWQHVVFHQWHU7KHLQGLYLGXDO I caught him as he came into the processing Earlier tonight I had been wondering, why
was treated at the scene and taken Take special care when jogging tent and spent the rest of the evening getting I was here. Tonight the answer was clear — I
to a nearby hospital for further or biking. Vary your route, go with him situated to depart on the next available was here to walk with Sgt. Dan Billings of
evaluation. a friend and avoid isolated areas. ÁLJKW Dallas, Texas.
Aug. 1: Security forces responded Courtesy of Senior Airman Brian Lefevere 7KDQNVIRU\RXUVHUYLFHDQGVDFULÀFH
to a report of a medical emergency
at Lightning Gate. The individual 56th SFS Courtesy of Maj. Larry Fowler
56th Fighter Wing Chapel
antique mall