Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-7-15
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Thunderbolt                                                                       NEWS                                                                                 Aug. 7, 2015
Remember service members
with exchange gift card                                                                   LESSONS  (from Page 2)                          MOTORCYCLE  (from Page 5)

   Americans can give back to the people who defend their coun-                              If by now, you are thinking this is merely   \RXUGD\DFFRUGLQJO\<RXQHHGWRNQRZZKHUH\RX·UHJRLQJ
try by sending a service member an Army & Air Force Exchange                              the “touchy feely” side of today’s thinking,    what the weather is going to be like and if there is potential
Service gift card.                                                                        then you could probably use a little of the     for rain, pack a rain suit.”
                                                                                          third component: patience and humility. We
   Exchange gift cards can be sent to Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors                           in the U.S. have not cornered the market on        During the winter, Seabury advises dressing appropriately
and Marines deployed to Afghanistan, Kuwait and other con-                                LQWHOOLJHQFHDQGRIWHQÀQGRXUVHOYHVLPSD-      with layers of clothing and in the summer proper hydration
tingency locations to redeem through the Defense Department’s                             WLHQWWRJHWWKHMREGRQH%XWLQH[HUFLVLQJ   is essential.
largest exchange service.                                                                 DELWRISDWLHQFHDQGKXPLOLW\ZHRIWHQÀQG
                                                                                          new answers to old problems. Sometimes             ´,I,NQRZ,ZLOOEHULGLQJLQKRWZHDWKHUIRXURUÀYHGD\V
   These cards can be used by service members and their families                          patience gives us the ability to truly under-   in advance I start to hydrate as much as I can,” Seabury
for all the products they have available at home in the U.S.,                             stand what is being communicated to us,         said. “Then once I get out there and start riding, a good rule
such as electronics, apparel, food and drinks. With nearly $1.5                           rather than jumping to a conclusion that        of thumb is to drink a bottle of water during every stop. That
million donated since 2008, exchange gift cards have proven to                            is far from the intended message.               will help you from getting dehydrated. Another thing you can
be a popular way for the American public to show support for                                                                              GR LV ZHDU D &DPHO%DN RU K\GUDWLRQ SDFN VR \RX FDQ GULQN
the Armed Forces.                                                                            As to humility, well, it should always       as you ride.”
                                                                                          be a component of any warrior. We should
   “Having access to some comforts of home is very important                              always check our ego at the debrief door.          Active-duty personnel who ride a motorcycle are required
for the more than 150,000 service members stationed overseas,”                            This quality only adds to a leader’s ability    WRWDNHD%DVLF5LGHU·V&RXUVHSULRUWRULGLQJ
said Pete Alaniz, Luke Exchange general manager. “Exchange                                to be open to new perspectives and gives
gift cards remind our troops that the American people want to                             members ownership of the organization.             ´7KH %DVLF 5LGHU·V &RXUVH LV IUHH WR DFWLYHGXW\ 'HIHQVH
take care of them while they work to protect our freedom.”                                                                                Department civilians, retirees and dependents. In the class,
                                                                                             Humility also leads us to the final          ÀUVWWLPHULGHUVOHDUQWKHPHFKDQLFVRIWKHELNHEDVLFULGLQJ
   Redeeming an Exchange gift card is reserved for authorized                             component necessary in a multicultural          and cornering techniques, proper braking techniques, how to
military shoppers, however, any American can give their sup-                              environment — that is leveraging your           ÀQGWKHIULFWLRQ]RQHKRZWRFKDQJHJHDUVDQGPRUHµ6HDEXU\
port by visiting and sending a                                organization’s diversity.                       said. “If you know you’re going to be riding, you can sign up
card from as little as $10 up to $500.                                                                                                    for the course through your unit’s motorcycle representative
                                                                                             %\ XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RXU GLYHUVLW\ ZH FDQ  RUFDOOWKH/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVHVDIHW\RIÀFHDWµ
   7KHJLIWFDUGVFDQEHDGGUHVVHGWRDVSHFLÀF6ROGLHU$LUPDQ                         glean a multitude of answers rather than
Sailor or Marine or sent to “any service member” through the                              ZKDWMXVWRQHSHUVSHFWLYHEULQJV%\RSHQ-         To stay safe while riding, the following riding gear is rec-
Fisher House Foundation, Air Force Aid Society, Warrior and                               ing up to the fact that no one culture has      ommended:
Family Support Center or Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society.                                all the answers, we can combine the best of     ‡ Department of Transportation approved full-face helmet
                                                                                          each to become a more resilient organiza-       ‡ Over-the-ankle riding boots, preferably leather for optimal
                                                                       Courtesy of AAFES  tion that leverages strengths and minimizes
                                                                                          weaknesses.                                        protection
                                                                                                                                          ‡ )XOOÀQJHUHGJORYHVIRUSDGGLQJ
                                                                                                                                          ‡ Riding jacket with built-in armored protection
                                                                                                                                          ‡ Riding pants with protection

                                                                                                                                          – Military rates available.
                                                                                                                                          – Kids stay free with parents
                                                                                                                                          – Spacious one-bedroom suites
                                                                                                                                          – full made-to-order breakfast daily
                                                                                                                                          – two-hour evening reception nightly
                                                                                                                                          – 24-hour airport transportation

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                                                                                                                                          2333 E.Thomas Road, Phoenix,AZ 85016


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